Friday, April 30, 2010

Bargain find !!!!

Sorry I have been away from blog land for the past few days.
Life seems to get so busy and because I am so new to takes me a while to put a post together.
But I am improving :o
Found this little beauty on ebay....
Price $10......
drove some distance to collect it and was overjoyed to discover original purchase price underneath.......$99... bargain.
I love the gorgeous colours of gold and cream crackle.
 It currently sits on my beside table..not sure whether this will be its home..think I'll move it around just to be sure!!!!

Sorry about poor pic quality...need to invest in a camera...

So I've added some ginger jar inspiration

image source unknown

Thanks to all the lovelies that have visited my blog I love to hear from you.

I see I have a few new followers


Have a lovely weekend

Kym XX


  1. Hi Kym. I love blue and white (or other coloured) ginger jars though they don't work in my house. I'm lucky enough to be styling a home at the moment though where I'm hoping to use a collection on the mantel. Great eBay find!

  2. Morning Kym:) I love your new ginger jar!! I love any kind of ginger jar and your new one is a beauty! What a fabulous find and a bargain too it seems! I should check ebay more often! Hope you have a fabulous weekend ~ Tina xx

  3. Oh that's a good find for sure! I love ginger jars and have a few...their shape is so timeless and wonderful. Enjoy your thrifting today.

  4. What a great find. I love ginger jars. I especilly love the blue and white ones. I am sure you will find lots of places in your home where it belongs.


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