Monday, May 31, 2010

What do you do??

Our family still live in the technological dark ages.
We  do not own a large flat screen T. V. as our old telly has been more than adequate...up until now.  Hmmmm.
The new T.V has been ordered  and I have been on the look out for some sort of cabinet but can't find anything I like!
So my question is ..what do I do with such a large telly???

Put it on the wall, in a cabinet or on a cabinet????

Please help..what do you do???

The best part of this new purchase is that it will definitely mean a room furniture an excuse to make those slip covers for the ugly couches and perhaps  a  few lots of gorgeous cushions and paint !!!! YAY 

I'd like this but our wall is too long.

Maybe something like this???

Or this........

Or perhaps black

Any ideas would be  appreciated

Kym X


  1. Hi Kym!!! I also love the pic n.2. Actually I have something like that for my flat TV.

    PS: we have buyed our first flat TV just 2 months ago!!!!!


  2. Hi Kym. Well, I'm sure you've probably seen how mine is displayed - on a long narrow cut-down hall table. I was going to wall mount it though hubby didn't like that idea for some reason. If you can wall mount it I would probably recommend it (you would have to run the cabling through the wall though - unless you didn't mind seeing it hanging down!). The reason being that TV stands (like the ones above with special cubby holes and shelves etc) can be hard to find at a good price (even secondhand) though if you hang the TV on the wall you can use the top of your stand to hold your components etc. which means you can use any sort of table or cabinet you like without having to find one with special shelves etc. I also like the look of a wall mounted TV flanked by two little vertical shelves. It creates the look of a built-in though isn't as bulky as one large piece of furniture. All that said I guess it depends what's gonna work for you though!

  3. We have 3 TV's and they are all sitting on cabinets. I would love to hang the one in the formal lounge on the wall, out of the way, so it doesn't dominate the room so much.
    I love the black cabinet the best but it would need constant dusting (speaking from experience!)

  4. i love the picture number 2 always have the opinion in displaying the TV on it or hanging the TV on the wall above and hanging special ornaments on the unit when you are ready.. good luck in your decision making XX

  5. We hung our TV on the wall but we have the dreaded visible cords hanging because we have a single skin wall. We are looking for a mid century cabinet to hide the worst of it but they are very hard to find.

  6. Hi Kym, how exciting for you? You get to go shopping for new furniture and redecorate your room! I like number two and four (they look the same!). We only upgraded to a LCD screen TV earlier this year and we had to go for a corner unit to fit the layout of our room! I found it hard to find something nice and in the right price range! Good luck and happy shopping! xx

  7. We must be the last people left without a flat screen tv! I like 2 or 4 as well.

  8. Hi Kym, I love pic No.2 as well, sounds like your gonna have some decorating fun...Im sure you will make it look fabulous no matter what you choose. have som great tv units at pretty good prices.Good luck!!!

  9. Hi Kym,
    I love number 2 the best. Good luck I am hoping to upgrade to the flat screen in the future too so I will be keen to see what choice you make.
    Donna xx

  10. Love the black one! I have a thing for black furniture at the moment.. We've put both our plasmas on the wall with the cables in the wall. How to decorate around them is my ongoing dilemma though..Rachaelxx


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