Saturday, July 31, 2010

lucky duck

I love blogging but have been MIA a little lately. 
Something to do with the needs of those closest who sometimes need a little extra care.
 However I have been stalking a few of you and dropping by for a peak as I couldn't bear  not to get my bloggy fix.
Yep...I confess... I love visiting  inspiring and talented women who share their heart and soul to bloggy friends from all over the world.

So yesterday when I went for a peep...I was delighted when
 the ever talented Laura from
 my summerhouse awarded me

if you haven't visited the lovely Laura you must
 as she is such a talented lady who sews the most gorgeous cushions......
 I will pass on the award soon and endevour to tell you more about moi!
I am such a lucky duck......

Then tonight on my daily stalk I discover I have won a gorgeous giveaway from the amazingly talented Michelle at

 I can't believe it!

Michelle creates the most amazing paper art....another incredibly talented artist who has a love of vintage.
She sells her beautiful art through her etsy store.
 So if you can, take some time to visit her,
 you will be amazed at what she can create..

So yep I am a lucky duck........

for knowing such beautiful, generous and talented bloggy friends who
inspire me, share their thoughts, make me laugh and make the bad times good and the good times better!

Sooo I promise I will stop stalking... and try to post some more...

yep very lucky indeed


Enjoy the weekend

Kym X


  1. Oh Kym - I was missing you. Well, you are the lucky duck, aren't you? An award and a giveaway. Congrats gorgeous girl.

  2. thankyou so much kym for the lovely words, you are so kind; and how lucky are you to win a giveaway!!! thats fantastic. Let us know what you end up choosing!
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend! hugs to you,

  3. So lovely to see your post:) Congratulations on your wonderful award from the very lovely Laura and on your gorgeous giveaway win! Hope you have a wonderful week Kym ~ Tina xx

  4. congratulations on the award!!

  5. A very lucky duck indeed! Congratulations :)

  6. This is such a sweet post Kym, congratulations to you, you are very deserving. Look forward to your next post.

  7. Hello Kym....!!

    CONGRATULATIONS on your win & your award....Nice things come to NICE people....ENJOY....!!

    Tamarah :o)

  8. Hi Kym, thank you for your kind words. Congratulations on winning the award! You have a lovely blog and certainly deserve it. Michelle


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)