Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blogversary Giveaway

I have just realised that I have been blogging for six months.....

During that time I have had the pleasure of meeting the most amazing group of bloggers..who offer advice, cheer me on and keep my spirits up....for that I am truly thought I would like to offer a little giveaway as a thank you :)

 As mentioned in my last post, I found some gorgeous bus scroll tea towels.  Back I went to the store and purchased some more to offer to my lovely blogger friends.

I am giving away two prizes.....share the joy......... on offer are a set of tea towels for two lucky bloggers.

Each is a set of three tea towels containing one plain, one strippy and one bus scroll with Aussie beaches.

You can chose from either the black set or the tan coloured set.

Black and white

Tan and White        Black and White

Tan and White

Ooooops this pic was of mine straight from the packet..but you get the idea of the colour!

You could use them as tea towels, make cushions or perhaps frame them......

So if you would like to enter..

1. Leave me a comment letting me know you are a follower or become one if you haven't already.
Also let me know which colour you would prefer as

I will have a draw for each set.

2. If you add it to  your side bar ... that will be another entry so leave a comment letting me know.

I will draw the winners next Sunday 24th AEST.

Have a lovely week

and Thank You



PS. My iphone takes the most amazing pics....cough... cough


  1. I like these tea towels, have bought a similar one in black and white that has the words 'coffee, tea' and a few more. I will add this to my sidebar later today. G

  2. Hi Kym, I have enjoyed your blog and look forward to another 6 months and more... I would love to be in your give away and think the black and white would suit my kitchen. Thanks for the opportunity. I will be crossing my fingers and toes. ;-)

  3. Hey Lovey....!

    HAPPY blogiversary....!! WOW....SIX months already....Where DID the time go....hahahahahaha....!

    I'm LOVIN' your new blog header by the way....Very VERY YOU....!

    Take care & have a WONDERFUL week....!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  4. Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary:) I am new to your blog but I am really enjoying it. I like the black set the best. What a fabulous prize. I don't have a blog but I did write about your competition on the Decorating Forum. Here is the link for you

  5. firstly....yehar...big congrats for 6 is a lovely world this bloggy one isn't it!! know i am & have been a very happy follower....

    thirdly...even knowing these exist makes my heart aussie gal away from her beloved sydney beaches....i adore that tan one....

    my sister in law arrived from sydney this morning with my 2 nieces and i'm still hoping she smuggled me over a jar of sydney sand...i've made her tea and put her to bed she's soo jetagged....a bit of english countryside for them all this afternoon and a rummage through her bags for that sand!!

    happy sunday from this side of the globe...

    melissa x

  6. Congratulations on 6 months of blogging, I love love love your work. It would be fabulous to be entered in your lovely give away!

  7. Congrats on 6 months of blogging - doesn't time fly?
    Lovely giveaway - I do love tea towels. The dark ones are my fave :)

  8. Well done Kyandra on 6 months of blogging and on purchasing such a lovely giveaway.Please add me to the list of happy followers hoping to win the black set.

  9. I'm a new follower too, really enjoying looking through yur blog this morning over a coffee - found you via Trish. Oh and I'd like the tan ones please :D ta :)

  10. Hi Kym,
    Lovely giveaway. Please count me in for the black set. Thanks!
    Pam x

  11. Congratulations on the 6 month blogiversary of your gorgeous blog, Kym!! Such a gorgeous giveaway!! I am, of course, a very happy follower of all things Kyandra Rose:) I do love the tan and white set:) Thanks for the chance to enter Kym ~ Tina xx

  12. Me again:) I am just off to pop this fabulous giveaway on my sidebar. happy blogiversary again, Hope you have a fabulous week. Hugs ~ Txx

  13. follower of the blog! and I love the black and white ones! :) happy blogoversary!


  14. Congratulations Kym! So nice to see you are loving this blogging thing.
    I follow too =0)
    Ness xx

  15. Congratulations on your anniversary Kim! Of coarse I am already a follower and would love to win the gorgeous black set!
    Just had a wonderful time catching up on your posts as I haven't visited anyone in a while due to renovating etc. Can't wait to see more of your painted furniture - did Mr Kyandra really let you paint some?! Michelle

  16. Happy 6th month blogiversary and thanks for the great give away. I just found your blog via Fun and VJ's and am one of your newest followers.

    Best wishes,

  17. Oh Michelle I might be giving away secrets but Mr K...did give in.. some painting was done by moi! K

  18. Hi Kym, Congratulations on a six month blogiversary. I am a follower and am happy to participate in this thoughtful giveaway. I like the tan set.
    Thanks Donna xx

  19. Hi Kym,
    Me again, I have posted this giveaway in my sidebar too.
    Have a lovely day.
    Donna xx

  20. Congratulations on your 6 month blog anniversary! I don't have a blog yet but I am a new follower to your blog. I love the tan set of towels.

  21. Congrats on 6 months of blogging. Have been a follower for a while now. Thank you for the chance to win these gorgeous tea towels. I love the tan set and would make cushions out of them if I win.
    Rebecca x

  22. Hi Kym, I am a newcomer to your blog, and I found beautiful.
    Take this opportunity to sign up for your giveaway, the truth is that both colors I like, but I declined for white and black.
    I put in my band side of my blog (
    Hopefully get lucky, as would be the first time I've won some contest.
    Greetings from Spain

  23. Hi Kym, please enter me if your fabulous giveaway thankyou. Have a great weekend. Sandy xx

  24. How on earth did I miss this - please count me in! I love both, but I think I'd go for the black and white version. And considering I did live very close to Bondi beach for quite a while, I think it's fate that I found your giveaway just in time! Have a great weekend, Kerri xx

  25. Hi Kyandra! You know I'm a follower. I like both, but I guess I would prefer the tan set. I love you new header! One of these days I will dress up my blog. But for now projects are keeping me too busy :)

  26. I just added your giveaway to my sidebar Kyandra.

    Congratulations on 6 months of beautiful blogging! I just realized I am coming up on my 6 month anniversary too. I guess it's about time for me to do a giveaway!


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)