Friday, October 29, 2010


Do you ever wonder if you were born in the  right place??

Sometimes it's easy to dream of places far, far away. 

After blogging for all of my six months I have been intrigued and enthralled by way the lovely bloggers in America decorate their homes around so many various themes.....

I love it !

Don't get me wrong, I love the land of Oz, but in Australia we decorate for Christmas and Easter. Some of us change things around according to the seasons....but in the States they decorate for lots of different occasions such as Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Christmas, Thanks Giving and my favourite Halloween!

Oh how I swoon over their decorating themes..... but lately it has been Halloween that has been capturing all my attention.

Hmmm I wonder why?????

You see from the time I was a child  (long, long, long, long ago) I  imagined what it would be like to have everybody decorate and celebrate and party on the 31st October just like they did on the telly...  yes....I was under the illusion that they were celebrating for me....

No I'm not into ghouls and creepy things but....

 I was born on Halloween..... and dreamt of celebrating just like they do in the States!

I just love this...

and this

Oh is that my hat I see ????

some Pottery Barn style

gorgeous chairs and some drinks to share


I could make good use of my bird cages

and paint more of my furniture

buy more old books and apothecary jars.....

add a splash of silver..

Oh.... Mr K...look...... the perfect present..

Maybe my  girls..... could whip up some of these.....

and if you're reading this.. ...


look the perfect table setting...but forget the spider..
you know my phobia!

Yes.... the K family  may be justified in occasionally associating me with  a



but I prefer to think of myself as Cinderella...

why else would there be sooooo many pumpkins ????

Have a lovely weekend



  1. Brilliant post..You have just echoed my sentiments exactly! Ever since I have started blogging I have found myself decorating a lot more for the seasons and holidays.

    I will never forget seeing all the homes decorated for Christmas in the States on our first trip there. We stayed with friends in Ohio and had a white Christmas, went to lots of neighborhood parties, drank lots of eggnog and made snowmen. It was probably the best Christmas I have ever had!

    Well, I hope your Halloween weekend is fun and most of all I hope your birthday is brilliant! Many happy returns.

    Best wishes,

  2. Hi Kym How are you? I was so bummed I missed out on your giveaway, I tried to comment, but ws havin troubles that time; then when Iwas going to comment again, I saw I was too late!! I do hope that you have a really lovely birthday! Thats so fun to have a bday on a special kind of day! What are your plans?
    hugs to you,
    Laura c xxx

  3. What?! No Halloween in Australia? Well boooo to that. If I were you I would decorate anyway... it's too fun to miss! :)

  4. We have some US ex pats living near us and they decorate their "porch" for Thanksgiving and Halloween and we love walking by to check out what they have done! I love the "bat" tree in those pics, my girls were most intrigued! Have a great weekend! x

  5. Hello Kym....!

    I hope you're having a FAB weekend Lovey....!!

    I AGREE....I feel like we're missin' out down here on opportunities to decorate....I've been sayin' to my US Blog Friends that we don't celebrate Halloween here but maybe we SHOULD....While orange really isn't in my colour palette I am quite attracted to BLACK accessories & dark wood & you know....There's just SOMETHIN' about the selection of pics you've shared with us that's makin'me think....Y-U-M-M-O....hmmmmmm....INDEED....!!

    Well GORGEOUS girl....I hope you have the BEST birthday & I have my fingers crossed Mr K comes through with 'the goods'....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  6. Hi Kym, Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!! We have just had some US friends staying with us and they usually turn their garage into a ghost house. It is truely amazing the effort they go to over there. It all looks like such a fun time of year. Lets hope you get spoilt on your special day. ;-)

  7. Hi Kym, can relate to this post, might go the whole hog next year with Halloween. My youngest is going trick and treating but I dont think many of the neighbours around here are interested! Great photos.

  8. Best wishes Kym. Hope you got lots of treats. xx

  9. I know what you mean Kym as I have known for decades that I was born on the wrong decorating continent.
    I'm not fond of the idea of Halloween taking off here though as I can see it as just an excuse for people to buy a whole lot of cheap, orange and black junk from Kmart etc. Sadly, something tells me we wouldn't see much in the way of Autumn leaves and hand carved pumpkins.
    Have a lovely week.
    Pamela xx

  10. Happy belated birthday Kym! I am so sorry I missed it. Hope you had a wonderful day ~ Tina xx


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