Thursday, October 7, 2010

Eeny Meeny Miny Mo

Here at Kyandra we have some lots of timber furniture mixed with ugly gorgeous shades of green and cream.

 This year I have been trying to change things around, but at the moment feel like the whole place is a mish mash of styles and colours.

 One of the hardest things has been to decide if I should or shouldn't paint the timber furniture.
 If I did paint it, should it be black or white?

This dilemma has been ongoing for some time as Mr Kyandra is not too keen on painted timber.

 He thinks it's a fad that will pass,
 "and think of all that work when you want to strip it back to timber"
 I hear him say...
despite this he is a gorgeous man who bears beautiful, beautiful  gifts....

 so these pics have been helping me decide


Now I've got my head together

and will be much more sensible

perhaps some silver

love the chandelier cushions

maybe a lamp

pops of black

so relaxing

more gorgeous lamps

painted black furniture

painted black furniture and painted white furniture

That could work?????

OK the decision has been I think I need  a little nap here

Hope to show someof my revamping soon although some serious sewing will need to be completed first



  1. Good luck with painting your furniture. I think painting is fine, unless you have a valuable antique piece. So paint away.

  2. What is it with men and not painting timber? Seems to be a common thing with most males I know. I say paint away, you can't go wrong with either black or white. K xx

  3. Now you've got me curious. Can't wait to see what you are up to!

  4. Hi Kym,
    I'm so glad you found me so I could find you! I love your blog; it is just beautiful. Thanks for posting such incredible images to share with us in blogland. I will be adding you to my blogroll for sure :)
    See you again soon!

  5. You would think after all these years of decorating my heart would stop letting out a little sigh when I my eyes see a picture of a gorgeous room. But no, it still happens and I guess it always will. The 2nd last picture, the one with the black desk, made it happen again. If I were decorating right now I would be taking serious inspiration from this lovely room.

    Thank you for posting.

    Pamela xxx

  6. Yes, go ahead sand & paint those babies Kym! One day the 'fad' may pass, but it will be our grandchildren stripping back the paint to restore the timber not us!!
    Millie ^_^

  7. What gorgeous photos, I have a thing for black and white. With all our photos being framed in black against white walls. I too have a lot of wooden furniture but one day want to have the rustic white, French look. Maybe I will paint my coffee table. Good luck with your decision. Thanks too for becoming a follower of my blog. G

  8. Hi Kym:) GORGEOUS pics!!!!!!! Oh my!! As for the painted furniture, I think you could probably guess that I am going to agree with the other lovely commenters and say 'Go for it'! I can't wait to see your furniture:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

  9. Hi Kym, My husband is the same, hates the painted furniture idea!! goodness knows why! I love all of these images; especially the one with all of the gorgeous white drapes! And the white tufted furniture! so pretty!
    hugs to you, Laura xxx

  10. My hubby is the same. I have been showing him pictures of painted table legs all day. He just nods and keeps walking. He hates the thought of painting timber. I think I will have to start when he is not looking!
    I love all the black and white in your pictures.

  11. Oh Kym these images are FABULOUS....Time for a re-do I think.... :o) !!

    You asked how I got my Treasures back from the US....Alas, it was via $1300- worth of postage....hahahahahaDOH....!!

    Hope you're having an AWESOME weekend Lovey....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  12. Oooh, so much excitement going on here! I love the new look of your blog and your home decorating projects sound very exciting..Rachaelxx

  13. oh I feel your pain girl. I am in the same quandry however the pieces I would like to paint ARE valuable antique so cant bring myself to do it. No going back once done. Mind you the cheaper stuff I get at oppies, markets ect, no hesitation there!


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