Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm Back

Well the reports are all done and dusted. Thanks for the sweet words of encouragement to keep me on task.

I have enjoyed having a peek at all the Christmas decorating...can't believe it's December already..well almost....

Tonight the youngest girl has gone with her BF (best friend) and her BFs mum to the airport....
you see BF is off to Old Blighty to spend the Christmas holidays with her aunt ...

She will be spending  a few weeks in England before heading off to Paris for Christmas.

I'm sure that while in Old Blighty she will enjoy...


But once she heads off to Paris I hope she visits




but somehow I think she will be doing this...


looking for something like this

or fashion like this

I do hope she sees


even this

She did promise to send me a photo of herself here......

To help me imagine what it would be like... such a thoughtful girl.....

We will miss her while she is away.....and her mum is wondering what she was thinking when she said

' yes '

but what an exciting adventure....

Hope you are having a lovely week


  1. Oh that post makes me want to travel.... If only... Have fun decorating! ;-)

  2. What a great experience for the BF! I wish it were me. xx

  3. Thank you, I feel like I have been on a little holiday. I bet she has a fabulous time.

  4. How incredibly lucky indeed!! Thanks for the gorgeous pics, Kym ~ Tina xx

  5. She is a very lucky girl indeed, I wish it was me! Welcom back Sweetie, I am glad to hear all the reports are done and you can relax a little! xx

  6. I think reports must be the bane of every teachers life. My hubby teaches at uni and is in a position to pay out his marking so he doesn't complain any more.
    What a beautiful post. Made me a bit restless I must admit :o)

  7. Good to have you back and a great post. The photos gave me a trip down memory lane of when I was last in England and France. Makes me want to go back soon. Funnily enough my almost five year old keeps saying she wants to see the Eiffel Tower, maybe not for a few years yet though. G

  8. It most be amazing being in Paris for Christmas.



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