Monday, November 8, 2010

Take me away

Some beautiful pics that I just wanted to share...


all images via tumbler

Have a lovely week


  1. Hi Kym, these are all very beautiful images, loving browsing through them! Also, I loved your bucket post. Trying to imagine my bucket is overflowing!!! As i am sure that yours is! x
    might go and check out the link you added for it.
    enjoy the rest of your week,
    laura c xxx

  2. Yep! I am loving them all. Absolutely fabulous and thanks for sharing them.

    Pam x

  3. Thank you for your gorgeous comments. I came over to see your blog and I LOVE it! Straight away, I was entranced. I love this post - gorgeous inages, reeeeally lovely.

    I'm a-followin'.


  4. Thanks for sharing Kym - some of these make me want to travel to a far off destination! Okay back to reality. Hope you are having a great week. Michelle

  5. Beautiful pictures Kym, especially the 2nd one. Makes me want to escape!
    Pamela xx

  6. Breathtaking Kym, Word's cant describe the beauty here.


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)