Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Sunburnt Country

I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

Yes I love Australia.....but as mentioned on a number of blogs.

my thoughts and prayers are with my sister and her family (safe for now)

and the other gorgeous Queensland  bloggers...

particularly A-M from The House that A-M Built

how much more can one person endure ?????

The loss of life is heartbreaking....

I cannot comprehend.....

Hugs to all...


  1. Heartbreaking, Kym. I hope your family continue to remain safe. ~ Tina xx

  2. Kym ~ I'm with you! Prayers to all in Australia during the recent flooding. I am very familiar with that area having been through there several times. Just can't believe what is going on! It's supposed to be beautiful there this time of year! ~Stacy~

  3. Hi Kym, its a shame i found your lovely blog via the devastating post by dear A-M. However that is what the blogging world is all about sticking together and inspring through good times and bad. Glad to have found you. Mel xx

  4. Lovely post Kym, hope you're family are ok. Rachaelxx


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