Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I do.......

 It was today.... many moons ago that Mr K and I said, "I do".

so here we are.....

Yes I was a child bride........

We were married in the beautiful gardens of this property known as The Coolart Homestead....

We drove to the wedding in a couple of these beauties..

Our photographer got lost along the way, he took a wrong turn after becoming impatient following the cars

they weren't built for speed....

 so we don't have any photos of the actual ceremony but he redeemed himself by

arriving in time to photograph us signing the register..

As you can see, even as a child bride..I had a love for all things vintage!

Mr K now owns his own hotted up old T model Ford..mid life crisis

I often wonder where the time has gone...life gets so busy..

and here we are 25 years later cough, cough

with two beautiful girls, a home and a dog and anti wrinkle cream...how lucky we are!

So this weekend Mr K and I are going to take a little time out..

Happy Anniversary  gorgeous husband.......you are my rock.....

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  1. Happy Anniversary Kym!!

    This post was very funny! It looks like your wedding was very dreamy romantic!!
    Here's to many more blessful years with your hubby!!

    Pamela xo

  2. Congratulations on 25 years of marriage Kym! I hope you have a lovely time celebrating together. xx

  3. Congratulations, have a fabulous time.x

  4. Happy anniversary Kym, congratulations enjoy your time together. Isn't wonderful to still be so in love after so many years. We celebrated our 20th last November, it's wonderful! we are indeed very lucky.
    Donna xx

  5. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
    My husband and I celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary about six months ago

  6. Congratulations and well done!! Have fun. 25 years is something to be celebrated...

  7. Wow, congrats to you both on making it this far. I reckon we'll be seeing a Diamond Anniversary post in the future Kym.
    Millie x


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