Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine dreams

When I wake in the morning I know I will be greeted by..

whilst at work  I will be summoned to the office for a delivery ...

After work..a romantic stroll along the beach

and dinner...

.......yes ....a girl can always dream...

I hope you all have a fabulous Valentines Day


  1. Nice photos Kym, I especially like the last one! (I can dream!)
    Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  2. Your'e funny Kym! In my world as if. However as you said a girl can dream. Hope love comes your way today. Happy Valentines Day.
    Donna xx

  3. Yes I would love this to be my world too!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day !!

    I just love your banner!!
    Pamela :)

  4. Kym, I am loving the whole blog makeover. Clean and fresh and great header!


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