Saturday, March 5, 2011

A love of colour

Since living in my own home I have never been one to shy away from a lot little  bit of colour!

It was not unusual in our early days of marriage to have Mr K come home to an entirely different coloured home to the one that he had left in the morning....yes..I am a dab hand with a paint brush/roller.

Paint was and still i,s a cheap and easy way to transform a look.. I have had half painted walls with wall paper borders, feature walls etc, etc....

In our current home we have had..... purple, green, blue, dusty pink, toffee, black  (not all at once of course) and at the moment the majority of the home is painted a colour called  'Portland Stone'..a kind of beige colour.

While it's a lot lighter than I am used to, I am leaning toward painting our home...


.... yes you saw it first...


 unheard of in this little painters pot......or at least a kind of shade of white...maybe.......

The reason?????

Every time I look at a picture of the look I'm after..

the background is WHITE or at least neutral....

 Love the look of the black furniture and I have painted some of my timber pieces black!

Also loving the effect texture has against such a neutral background....

A suitcase collection 'to die for'..have to keep adding to mine...

The old bed and gorgeous throw..yum..

all images from Country Living

And the white background of that dresser..gorgeously, gorgeous...

Any thoughts????

Enjoy your weekend


  1. You really can't go too wrong with white if you ask me. The problem comes when trying to choose from the many shades of white available!

  2. I would paint my house white if Mr M would let me paint the architraves. Alas, he is a stubborn one so not a white palette for us..... yet!
    I love those country living images, especially the china cupboard.

  3. Oh yes I love white too, my entire kitchen family room area is currently anitque white usa and i looove it! You can add splashes of colour everywhere with a white background go for it Kym, you will enjoy it, it's very calming too!
    Donna xx

  4. Thanks for sharing those pictures, I especially liked the one of the black dresser with white, I have a large black dresser which is just too dark but I know my hubby would die if I painted the whole thing white, so maybe a compromise in sight!
    Thanks for your kind comments, glad you like the new look, I intend to post about it but just want to add my button first!

  5. I say go for it - get the look you are after. You can (and will) always change it if you don't like it or change your mind. ;-)

  6. Oh Kym,
    I love every photo posted here, they are all so me, I had some black french pieces, then I stripped off the black and let the piece speak French with its driftwood tone to the naked wood and I fell in love with the french flea market appeal it had.

    I could see myself adding back in some black pieces, and miss it when I see such beauty like like you posted.

    Thank you for your beautiful comment and taking the time to visit.

    See you soon

  7. Oh Kym, these images are all divine! I say go for is only paint and hey, if you seriously don't like makes the perfect undercoat! Cannot wait to see what you do:) Hope you have a wonderful week ahead ~ Tina x

  8. One must listen to one's intuition Kym - go for it I say! Now won't that surprise your Mr. K!
    Millie x

  9. THese are fab photos Kym!!!! Love them!
    I love all this white!!
    Great inspiration for a Monday!!

    Pamela xo

  10. Beautiful post, beautiful pictures!I go back to white myself again and again. Its purity speaks to my soul...

  11. Hi there kym, I went white and I am just loving it!!! Well, i havent finished yet, but have done the majority of the house. I tried a few different shades, but then i remembered that a while back, i read an interview with anna spiro, and she said that the white she uses is from Dulux - my mind has seriously gone blank on the shade name..... ugh, its the white with absolutely no tint added... I love it as it seems to be the most `perfect` of all the whites. Its not warm, its not cold... just perfect. I use it all the time now and you can just go and grab a tin and not have to queue up to have any tint added!! I will find out the name and let you know if you are interested?
    Laura xx

  12. If you're drawn to white, then absolutely go for it. Lovely pictures, pleased I popped in! Georgie x


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)