Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back to it !

It took some time to recover from the dreaded lurgy....but all is now well.
Thank you for your wishes for a speedy recovery. They are very much appreciated...

So now I am well, I find myself on me time to shop and catch up on a few projects.

I have been visiting  one of my favourite stores.....

and made a few purchases..... ( will share soon )

I also discovered a new store for me..... in Hawksburn.....for those who live in Melbourne...
called ..... Supply and Demand..

I spent so much time wandering around this store... I thought the staff might just call the police to report they had a stalker....

Everything was so reasonably was hard to choose which items I could fit into my little car....

I have also realised that I have been blogging for a year,  so I think a giveaway will be coming soon.

Have a lovely day


(arrrrgggghhhh.... my signature has disappeared...something to do with a photobucket problem????)


  1. So glad you are feeling better Kym, I have missed your posts. Not sure if I have mentioned before but I am loving the layout and look of your blog! xx

  2. I love the look of that shop, I wish they would open one in Brisbane, all though it may be a bit dangerous on the wallet.
    Glad you are feeling better

  3. Oh stop it. Provincial Home living is one of my favs. I have to look at every single thing in the shop. It drives my family mad. The closest one is 2 hours away.

  4. I was in 'Provincial' yesterday. I honestly could buy one (or maybe 2!) of everything! In the end I came home with 5 blue decorator Easter eggs!

  5. Hi Kym I'm a huge fan of theirs as well. Hmm, Photobucket is making a lot of bloggers very unhappy - their maintenance has lasted for over 2 days now. J x

  6. Hiya Kym....!

    I DO hope you're feeling better now Lovey....!!

    CONGRATULATIONS on your blogging anniversary....May this just be the first of MANY....!

    Supply & Demand has been on my shopping list back when they had their warehouse in Hawthorn....I bet you found some TREASURES....!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  7. One year of blogging a real milestone. I'm glad your back I look forward to your posts
    Kind Regards

  8. Love both these stores and a regualr visitor to Provincial. I have got such bargins from Supply and Demand on Glenferrie Road, though haven't been for a while so not sure if still there. Glad you are feeling better. Gx


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