Monday, May 30, 2011

Giveaway time and other important things

 I have been away for a little while so I thought it was about time I made good on the promised giveaway.

Yes, the said giveaway was promised a month ago to celebrate my 1 year blogversary!!!!

But I have been a little distracted helping youngest girl get organised for ....

( it can be difficult to get something out of ones eye whilst wearing long white gloves)

 the all important Debutante Ball......

all turned out beautifully... and I can't believe how grown up she is......

what a beautiful young woman she has become....

But  back to the giveaway,

 just something small to say thank you..........

A small bird canvas...... and beautifully handmade necklace....

( you know how I love all things to do with birds )

some cute magnets....

and a notebook to jot down all the important things...

a pencil case (although I use mine for small makeup pieces )

an inside look at the pencil case......

 another view of all prizes.....

so if you would like to enter

 Simply leave a comment

 and I will draw the winner during the evening of

 Sunday 5th June

Enjoy your week


  1. What fantastic prizes. I am an incurable Francophile so the notebook and pencil case are right up my alley. I also have a thing for birds and birdcages, in fact did a whole blog post dedicated to them, so, as you can see, this was meant for me! :). Have a lovely day. x Sharon

  2. Beautiful prizes,very romantic...
    Have a nice day

  3. What a great set of prizes - I love Paris.
    Much love,

  4. Same as me! I'm having a giveaway drawn the 6th June too. Pop over for a peek but count my in!! Looks heavenly. I have a passion for birds too... gorgeous girl by the way..

  5. Oh wow, what a fantastic giveaway. Please count me in.
    Your daughter looks amazing, I bet it was hard to keep your eyes dry!.

  6. Such a fabulous giveaway. Please count me in and thanks for hosting this.

    Welcome back by the way!

    Pam x

  7. Kym, congratulations on 1 year blogging! Doesn't time fly. Please count me in for your lovely give away and welcome back. ;-)

  8. Oh, Kym. A huge congrats on making the big 1st blogoversary! And what a glorious giveaway, you generous soul.J x

  9. Hi Kym,
    Lovely to hear from you and I am so glad that your daughter's deb went well. It is such a milestone for them and a fun night too. This is a lovely give away and congratulations on your 1 ear blogaversary.
    Donna xx

  10. Beautiful giveaway Kym!
    Welcome back!

    Love your daughter's dress!
    Pamela xo

  11. Congrats on one year...cute giveaway. I am only a few months in but hosting one too xx

  12. What a lovely giveaway Kym. Congratulations also on 1 year of blogging! Ange

  13. Hi there Kym what a gorgeous little giveaway, I would have posted about it had I known.. Just checked the date, will do it tomorrow if thats ok as i just posted today. So generous of you, and happy 1 year blog anniversary!!! congratulations!!!
    Laura xxx

  14. Great giveaway! Love your blog!
    Susan @

  15. Congratulations to your gorgeous, gorgeous girl! You must feel very proud.. Rachaelxx

  16. Hello Kym - hope I'm not too late & warmest congrats on the first anniversary of your truly gorgeous blog!
    Millie x


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