Sunday, June 5, 2011

Giveaway winner and a gorgeous store

It has been so very cold here today.......a great day to just snuggle up with a good book.

I hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend....the only problem with weekends is that they don't last long enough.

While I was out and about yesterday...I stumbled across a gorgeous clothing store called

I had not been into a seed store before and the visual merchandising and store props were amazing.

 I was so in love with them that I could have moved right on in.......

stunning dark timber floors.....
black furniture, old cases, sheet music, cloches, white walls,
bead board, industrial lighting, bird cages,
industrial style stools in the change room and linen curtains...


Their windows are stunning.......

They have stores for women and children....

love their clothing, shoes and accessories too........

double sigh...
Enough of my ramblings and onto the winner

 ......drum roll please....

The winner is number 15.....

(wish I knew how to get that random generator on my page)

the gorgeous Rachael from A Room for Everyone

Congratulations Rachael.... contact me and I will post out your prize.

Thanks to all who entered

Have a lovely week


  1. Yipeeeeeeee! I can't believe it! What a fantastic, generous prize, thank you!! I'm thrilled! Rachaelxx

  2. Oh goody, Rachael is such a sweetie! Seed is gorgeous, I didn't realise they had women's clothing. Very dangerous!

  3. Congratulations to the winner
    Happy Sunday

  4. Hi, first time at your blog, and I see Seed.... I was in the USA and saw their store and indeed it's so lovely! Thanks for reminding me,

  5. looks like a really cool store... not such if we have one here, stop by I'm having a giveaway...


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