Saturday, August 6, 2011


Does anyone else love a little bit of toile?

I recently spotted some gorgeous linen toile fabric in Spotlight... it was a little expensive so I could not justify spending the money when I wasn't even sure what I would use it last week they had a sale on.. 40% off cut fabrics....hmmm..still a little more expensive than I'd like  but the offer was too good to pass up.

I thought I would drape it across the tops of my living room a guess thought I needed about 15 metres....ooppps not enough cash..."Can I lay-by it?"..."Sorry madam you can but not for the reduced price"

Hmmm...." OK just give me a couple of metres" home I went disappointed but at least I had a couple of metres of beautiful  fabric..perhaps I could make some cushions..

I thought I would drape what I had across the window just to see what it would look like when I realised that if I had purchased the amount I had wanted, I would have had way too much fabric due to the way  the pattern was going..oooopps !

Glad I didn't make such an expensive mistake....

love this....

now that's an idea...

So yes I only needed  a few extra metres....

Enjoy your weekend


  1. Ah Kym, I think you'll like this post then - Enjoy! J x

  2. I love toile too!! Beautiful images!

  3. Kym, I bought some too. Mine is black on linen. One day I will get around to putting it on a little bench stool thingy I have been meaning to blog about for ages.

  4. I love it but I've never used it. I love the cabinet! Rachaelx

  5. I saw that fabric and thought it was awfully expensive too, especially for the amount I need to reupholster some chairs...I can't wait to see what you eventually decide to use yours for :)

  6. Kym I love Toile too but the only thing I own that is toile is a red and white apron I bought in America at Williams Sonoma.

    Cushions sound wonderful! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

    I'm having a give away at my blog at the moment so if you have a moment please come and say hi!

    Best wishes,


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