Friday, September 16, 2011

The Light Choice

We have been looking for some new overhead lights for the living room as the current ones are outdated. One even has a broken glass thanks to a guest at youngest daughters sixteenth birthday party last year.
So since purchasing the new lamps we thought it was about time to replace those usual, I can't find anything suitable!

The ceiling is of standard height  and a lot of traffic passes under the lights so we can't have anything too low.

What do you prefer........

Something natural....

or more formal............... 

  perhaps a touch of industrial style.....

all images via pinterest 

I don't think any of these beauties would be suitable..but I'm open to any advice.
Enjoy your weekend


  1. I can't help but love the chandeliers.

  2. The natural ones are so interesting but my pick would have to be the chandies, they're so beautiful!

  3. I'm a chandelier girl. They never lose their appeal :)


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