Saturday, September 10, 2011

My New Look Blog & A Little Bit of Shopping

What do you think.........

I am in love with my new look blog.....and it's all thanks to the gorgeous Katrina from the Block

I was the lucky winner of a blog makeover that Katrina offered whilst she was busy working on The Block

Katrina is a kind, generous and talented lady who runs Media Mad if you need a blog make over..or you just want to say hi.....visit Katrina.... I'm sure she would love to hear from you..I cannot thank Katrina enough for offering such a wonderful are amazing.....Thanks Katrina XXX

Today youngest daughter and I thought we would venture out to the new IKEA here in Victoria at Springvale.

Oh my gosh, it is enormous. It only opened on Thursday and yep it was BUSY. The roads were so congested around the store that the police were directing traffic!

Being new to IKEA, I wasn't even sure we'd get in the door. But we did, I had a ball and shopped a lot little...

I purchased these......

I will let you know when I've found a home for them.......

I have also just joined Pinterest and have no idea how to use it so any advice would be much appreciated.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend



  1. Oh, Kym. Katrina has done a sterling effort. Just fabulous. She's Planet Baby's Honorary Magician as well, thank goodness. I'm lamenting IKEA's absence from Tasmania, I'd dearly like to buy those two lamps. Time to plan a trip to Sydney with an empty suitcase, I think! J x

  2. Hi Kym, your blog makeover is fabulous, very elegant. Katrina is very talented. I am so excited about Ikea, I can't wait to get there. I am very unfamiliar with Pinterest too, need to learn.x

  3. hi kym
    love the new look blog - absolutely lovely!
    here's a link to me on pinterest -
    i've made seperate folders like a filing system.
    have a play around - if you see something you like - you can re-pin it into your folders.
    on the web - if you see a picture you like - right click to view the image - then use your 'pin it' button (which you should have put onto your browser toolbar) to place it in your files.
    i find it incredibly useful - and time consuming at times.
    if you're having trouble - feel free to drop me a line.
    good luck!
    cheryl xox.

  4. oh - and p.s. - very jealous about your trip to ikea - canberra is also ikea-less - *sad*
    i have one of those clocks - although bought quite a while ago - and i found it too noisy to have beside my bed!! just me really!
    and i have 3 of those floor lamps. love them. they're very inexpensive - so a little flimsy - but love them all the same.
    cheryl xox.

  5. It looks amazing Kym! Love the new ikea things too. The first lamp is very cool.xx

  6. Your makeover looks fantastic! Katrina does a great job. No Ikea down our way either, can't wait to get to Queensland (3 months!), only 1 hour away from one. I can feel a shopping spree coming on! x Jode

  7. I absolutely love the new look Kym!

    It's gorgeous.

    I bought the same table lamp from IKEA and it's sitting in our study at the moment, waiting for me to start tidying the place and give it a quick spruce-up.

    I haven't ventured to the new Springvale store yet. I think I'll wait till things settle down a bit so I can wander around at my leisure.
    Well done.

  8. Luuurve the new look blog, Katrina certainly is clever!!
    I love your ikea purchases, I have been admiring those lamps for a while myself. They need to put a store in Newcastle & save me a 2hr drive to sydney!!

  9. Hi Kym
    Love your new blog looks great Katrina did a great job. I love Ikea. Well I should say I love wandering through the market stall looking for trinkets. The make-over of your cupboard in the previous post looked great very Pottery Barn Hope you enjoy your long service leave I'm sure it will be a well deserved break.
    Kind reegards

  10. The new Ikea must be great. I always go to Richmond but I'll have to head out to Springvale one day. Your blog looks gorgeous! You must love it. Katrina is a clever girl. Thank you for your kind comments about the trip, only 5 sleeps!! Very excited. I'll tell you all about it when we get back. Rachaelxx

  11. I love your new look - very sophisticated! I wish we had Ikea in South Africa - maybe one day! Can't help with pinterest but think I should find out more. I'm interested to know how you find it once you've made progress. Have a lovely week. x Sharon


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