Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dream on......


I have been stalking lots of blogs lately...but being back at work has made me a lazy blogger. I  have just a few tweaks to do to youngest girls room before revealing all......although I must say  I am more than just a little happy with the result so far.

The superficial bathroom redo is also almost complete...just waiting for Mr K to hang the new mirror!

And remember this.......

it all came crashing down yesterday afternoon......I won't repeat what Mr K said when he heard the crash.although it went something like 'what the  #%*$???'....  needless to say I am no longer in charge of hanging shelving or other large items on the wall ( not sure why he won't trust me with the mirror). Broken bottles and broken coral everywhere. At least the iron survived!  Hmmmmmm

Anyway today I am dreaming of gorgeous kitchens.....loving something in all of these images....

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all images via pinterest

a girl can dream.......wishing everyone a wonderful week



  1. How amazing is that kitchen with the TV above the range!!! Oh my goodness, I could cook in there for hours!

    I have posted about a few of my favourite Christmas Pinterest pins on my blog at my weekly Pinterest linky party so if you have 5 Minutes to spare please pop by!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

  2. Oh horrors, Kym. The same thing happened here this afternoon after Mr PB had installed a shelf in our laundry. Hmm. J x

  3. I can relate, I am always told to leave it I'll do it! Love the kitchen pics. KP

  4. Oh no, hope you got the shelf back up. Gorgeous kitchens. Could look at them all day.x

  5. Oh no, what a shame. It all looked so lovely! I hope you can get it all fixed up pronto. ;-)

  6. Isn't always the way, the iron could have broken and saved you some work! I love the kitchen photos, the first one is stunning. Good luck resurrecting your shelf and I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your bathroom redo. x Jode

  7. Oh, what a shame that the pretty things got broken and the iron survived! I'm impressed that you even attempted to hang a shelf in the first place. My skills certainly don't stretch that far. I love the kitchen's you shown us. Have a lovely week. x Sharon

  8. Oh, that island bench with the big thick slab of whatever that is, I love it! Sorry about the shelf, ouch! Love that Halloween is your favourite day of the year! Have a happy one..Rachaelxx

  9. Holy crap! I bet there were a few words flying about when that fell. You poor thing. Trust the iron to be the only thing to survive. There are some things you can never get out of, is there? xx

  10. Isn't it devastating when that sort of thing comes a cropper. I have had my fair share of shelving disasters too. Love the kitchens. I am a sucker for a good kitchen. A-M xx

  11. Love the kitchens - sorry about the shelf disater! I just stumbled across your blog & have just spent the last half an hour enjoying myself reading through some old posts. I have just signed up as your latest follower & I look forward to popping back for some more creative inspiration!
    Melissah from Scrapbook

    PS I love Provincial Living too is on my list of favourite suppliers.


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)