Monday, March 12, 2012

If only............

Hello lovely friends.... hoping that everyone is well. All is well here at Kyandra..... we recently celebrated eldest girl turning 21!!!  Not sure how that happened.... as they say... in the blink of an eye.
How did I ever become this old!!! No.. not really ...a child bride.

I am extremely proud that my gorgeous girl  has grown into a lovely well adjusted young lady...we arranged a few surprises for her and she is off to Queensland  this coming weekend for a bit of time I am hoping the weather is good to her.

 On the home decor front I'm beginning to feel this house will never be the way I see it in my head.... I have lost my mojo in the decorating stakes... and  think I need to put a mood board together to keep me on track. if only...............

I had these lovely stairs and gorgeous floorboards... in love with the grey feature wall ........
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Somewhere to put up my feet after a hard days work...

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image ticking and Toile
I could display some of my goodies like this.....

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                 image Growers Daughter

I would need to add a touch of industrial.... oh... these lights are amazing.....

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I could cook up a storm  here......

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have a long soak........

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and finally ...........

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  rest my weary bones...

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so if only Kyandra was a little like this....
what  style do you heart

Or are you like me...taking time to work it out???

Enjoy the rest  of your week.


  1. I love so many styles that I need to own at least 10 homes! I could totally live with this mood board of yours! x Sharon

  2. Hi Kym, yes time does fly by so quickly. All these pictures are beautiful, no match box cars or leggo in any of them.x

  3. Your pics are AWESOME, I love love love that pallet coffee table. WE always want so many different things thanks to the inspirational world of blogging!!!

  4. Such beautiful images - that staircase with the beautiful charchaol feature wall caught my eye straight away! xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  5. A lovely collection of pictures Kym , that kitchen is Dreamy.
    My lovely girl will be turning 10 this year (going into the double digits scares me enough)
    Karyn x


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