Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Light on

Welcome lovely peeps. I hope you have had a wonderful week so far.

Recently my thoughts have turned to lighting....

When we built Kyandra some eleven years ago, we had to choose (as you do) a number of light fittings. At the time, they seemed to go with the period style of the house and the look we were trying to achieve.......but now, they are somewhat dated and some most definitely need replacing. Not as easy as it may seem as a change would require the services of an electrician..which of course means spending some dollars....

I am reasonably happy with most of the lighting, but we have some ugly, three armed monsters in the living room...they have green arms and frosted green shades.....yuk!!!!!!

For the past year one of the ugly gorgeous glass shades has been broken due to a party trick by a friend of youngest girl.....hmmmm

Anyhoo....making a lighting choice for the room is proving difficult......

loving these....

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but think our ceiling is too low....

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and I really like the rustic look of this little beauty.....

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these are a little different and not too low....

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adore everything about this sweet room...from the lights, to lamps, to furniture to wall colour....

love, love, love..........

it is just so hard to find anything suitable....any suggestions would be appreciated.

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