Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Gone but not forgotten...

Well it has been awhile since my last post. I can't believe that it has been nearly 2 months....... we've had a few ups and downs here at Kyandra during that time, and as usual, life gets in the way of doing the things you love!!!

So time to catch up on some news.....

Youngest Miss finally turned 18 during the past month and I am still trying to get my head around that milestone. Where did those years go??? She is now studying like crazy as she enters the home stretch of her final year of schooling ... working towards securing a university place in her chosen field!
...we also lost this gorgeous guy...

he has been with us for the past 13 years and was the most amazing loyal pet. As you can imagine, it has been heart wrenching.

.....but the quiet, loneliness around the house led us to finding this little fella....

who we will pick up on now we are trying to find him a name...any suggestions ????

 It's good to be back!!!!


  1. So sad about your dog. Thinking of you all. What sort is your new pup? We have cavoodle we got from Melbourne nearly 9 months ago and we are totally besotted with her. Name huh? Tricky. He looks like a Max or George or even Spike. Master 12 came up with those. Or 'Patch' even. Enjoy...

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't dogs create a huge chasm when they go. It's very sad. I'm very pleased to see a new family member is on its way. Speaking from experience, a black ball of fluff with a white splodge should be called "Trouble"! Only kidding, but that's what we often say about our Molly :)

  3. So sorry about the loss of your pet. This new little one is adorable, what a lucky dog he will be.x

  4. Oh Kym. What a time you've had. I'm so sorry to read that. Thank goodness for that little sweetheart. J x

  5. Thinking of you Kym. Pets are part of the family. I love my little spoodle Harvey to death! Your new addition looks gorgeous. No doubt he will be very much spoilt and loved. Good luck with choosing a name! Ange

  6. So sorry to hear that you lost your little dog.
    Our beautiful girl passed away on Wednesday and I am absolutely shattered. Haven't even been able to bring myself to post about it.
    A lovely thing to get a new puppy, I'm not there yet but soon.
    I like the name Chilli for a dog. We called our chocolate ragdoll Truffle. I like cute names rather than people names.
    Good luck


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