Saturday, April 24, 2010

How I met my house

I thought I might share the story of how we met our house to link up with Our Suburban Cottage
 "How I Met My House Party".
 Hopefully it's not to late!
 To explain our story I need to step back a little .
 Ten years ago we were a young family living in an old house on the same property as our inlaws. Some may say that was not an ideal situation...but with young children and a beautiful family... suited us perfectly. However life changes and situations can lead you to going places in your life that you never ever expect. My father in law passed away after a short illness. This led to the need for my mother in law to find alternative accommodation thus selling the property and hence the need for us to find a new home.
 It was a difficult time and we looked/searched/ viewed a number of homes. We just couln't find something within our budget...area..????.. Eventually we  found our home advertised in a real estate wasn't a home yet...just a piece of concrete....the slab had been poured for a spec home. We were familiar with the type of homes built by this builder and liked them a lot...our hearts were not in it but we put in an offer and they accepted.
 So we began the process of choosing tiles, carpet, paint colours etc.
 It brought my mother in law some joy to be involved in this process.
 While packing up the property before the move to her new home she offered me this......

it had originally hung above her dining room table...she had had it taken down some years earlier as she hated pulling it apart to clean. 
It brings back some beautiful memories of family times within her home.
My mother in law did not get to see our house completed...she passed away four weeks before we moved in...

 Precious memories.
  It now hangs in our study creating new memories.
 Some of the old mixed with the new.

Despite meeting in the worst of circumstances, our house has become a good friend. It has become a place that has developed its own memories for our family, fun, laughter, special times and occasionally is a place that is now a home.
 I love our home...


  1. What a beautiful item to own to remind you of your mother and father in law. I absolutely love your house and I am really enjoying reading your blog. Thank you for sharing. xx

  2. I loved you story , And how wonderful to have that lovely light fitting to add to your decor. I love the shape of it , different to any I have seen.
    Karyn x

  3. That is a beautiful story kym and that light is stunning!

  4. What a great tale of your journey to your house. I am glad it is you, not me, cleaning the light fitting.

  5. What a very bittersweet story. So interesting and so well written..Rxx

  6. Your home is beautiful and so is the chandelier! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment (;

  7. Hi, such a touching story, your home is indeed special and so nice to have special memories incorporated there.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I signed up to follow you too!!

  8. Thank you all for your lovely was a difficult twelve months...but has made us so much stronger :) Kym X


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