Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mini project

I was looking for some inspiration to decorate the walls in my home
when I came across this little project
they just looked so gorgeous.

Oh... that looks easy sooo......
I went to  the local Saver store and purchased some old frames
 ( sorry no pics )
then I printed some text from
painted the frames and found some keys in my stash  and ended up with

I am happy with the way they turned out even if the frames are not as fancy as the originals.
Cost : $ 5.00
Not bad for some new wall art.
I hope you are all enjoying your week I appreciate your comments:) Kym X


  1. You have done an amazing job Kym. This is a project I have waiting in the wings to be done , aahh one day . Thankyou for introducing me to the graphics fairy .
    Have a lovely long weekend !
    Karyn x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous!! I am hopelessly addicted to vintage keys and use them in my home too. your project turned out beautifully (even better for such a low price!!). Enjoy your new lovelies ~ Tina xx

  3. So pretty, I like yours better!! Thanks for stopping by, I love meeting new bloggers. Have a wonderful day
    Take care

  4. I love your how your project turned out. I honestly like them more than the inspiration ones, I love your frames, and you really can't beat that price for new art. Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is so lovely I'm definitely a new follower. Take Care, Carrie


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)