Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kitchen dilemma

Like many bloggers I have a huge kitchen dilemma. I drool over the lovely white kitchen pics on other peoples  blogs  but ..yes ..I have a dreaded timber kitchen..the height of fashion when this place was built.
It isn't particularly big..quite small really but has a couple of gorgeous features like the roof line and high window.

It used to  look like my country decorating days...I did sell or bin lots of the clutter and now it is a pretty blank canvas

My window love.....

I would really love this....

or this...

I have just been reading the gorgeous blog by Kerri at Driftwood Interiors
it can be found here 
she not only has a gorgeous blog but she was brave enough to paint her kitchen!!!
Can you believe that!!
And from the sneek peek... it looks sensational.

However my hubby would kill me ...not really.... but almost ..if I ever attempted something like that

I have broached the subject, but every time he sees me with a paintbrush he says ..."NOT THE KITCHEN."

So how can I make my timber kitchen more french???

love these chairs and island bench..not sure about the stools?

Yucky stools
not ideal  but maybe??

Would like some black....

Pleeeeaassse  help.......and no I can't get rid of the hubby :-o

would love to hear your ideas.

Have a lovely day
Kym XX


  1. The second last picture might be the way to go. Sort of a compromise but still very lovely. I can totally sympathize. I have a similar timber bathroom version of your kitchen and am slowly trickling my ideas to my husband. Why do men have this thing about painting timber?

  2. morning kym- ok i loooove a challenge- and a tricky husband!! - so firstly, without painting the cupboards you can paint the small amount of tiles with 'white knight' tile paint- trust me it sooo works- i once painted an entire bathroom and it NEVER peeled off- and costs nothing really....then i think you get yourself some very simple linen curtains...ikea sometimes do a good copy....or if you sew yourself....get yourself a pile of glass storgae jars- ikea does great screwtop jars- silver lids- so rice, pasta etc is all on show along your bench top...& a 'sign' in grey and white to match linen curtains always finishes it all off....think linen, grey, white and black- but not too much black as will make it seem to small...and a blackboard always works for the days quote- i made one not long ago- check it out on my blog when you get a moment from all that 'creating'...have a lovely wednesday...
    melissa :)

  3. My husband always says no until I do it and he loves it! Have you shown him any before and after kitchen pictures? Maybe Kerri's will do it for him? Rxx

  4. Hey Kym. I wish I had timber kitchen cabinets rather than laminate with weird in-built handles. Though if I did I would have painted it by now however it seems that's not an option for you. I guess that means working with what you have: some new hardware perhaps, a farmhouse style tap and handles, a floor matt, some new window furnishings and decor. You can always paint your tiles (though that might not be allowed as well). I love your window and light fixture. Use lots of natural textures, white ceramics, topiaries, possibly some typographics and maybe even a mirror! Do you have any more pics? It's a bit hard to tell exactly what you're working with.

  5. Key Kym. Sorry, just me...again! Do you have an email address you could send me (you can send it privatley through my blog by clicking on the 'contact me' page). I found a few pics of timber kitchens to show you. Some of them are overdone and a little outdated though there are a few cute ones too. Hopefully they might provide some inspiration.

  6. Easily fixed Kim, do what I did and wait until hubby's away to paint it! Seriously, my only regret is not doing it earlier. But I realise painting your timber white is not for everyone, so I agree with the white tiles, and also you could add some white roman blinds on the window. If your hubby would agree, you could keep the timber but stain it a nice dark stain, like a brown/black, and then add all white accessories. Take out anything remotely 'country' and you should have a whole new look.
    You are very sweet for mentioning my blog and kitchen makeover, and I really appreciate you guys cheering me on! I'm so close to the finish now, just a few last bits and pieces to go. I promise the minute it's done I'll post all the pics. Good luck with the kitchen, and feel free to send your hubby over to my blog for a look - he may just change his mind! K xx

  7. My heart aches for you not being able to do what you want to your kitchen but I admire you for making this compromise with your husband. Hopefully some of the suggestions here will give you somewhere to start. Have you done a google image search for timber kitchens to try and get some inspiration? What would hubby say to a wash effect so the timber grain is still visible?

  8. Hi Kym-
    Thanks for stopping by! I hear you!! What you need to do is show him the before of kerri's kitchen and the after. Then find as many other kitchens that went from this to that and he will be amazed, that is what I did with my hubby and he was hooked! Mention you could throw some black in there (men like black) and whatever masculine touches you can think of :)
    Her is my link to our kitchen:
    And Janells link that is amazing!

    Good Luck

  9. Tricky situation indeed Kym. Hope that some of the wonderful advice given above works for you :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

  10. Lol I have the same problem with my husband. I often have to remind him that I am an Interior Designer and other people actually trust my taste. How about having the kitchen painted by a painter? He might trust a professional more. Or get an old door maybe from a second hand store and practice on that to show him you can do it.
    A friend limewashed hers and put a light gold thin line around the profile- it looked incredible:)

  11. Hi Kym, I'm not good with husband's saying No to white paint. In fact mine has never said no and if he did I would paint it anyway. I'm terrible arn't I. I agree with a post up further start with the tiles as they will look amazing white and then work on the cabinets. It will look so fresh and you will be the happiest wife ever. You know what they say a happy wife a happy home. Your kitchen has that much potential is is already such a great base being timber. Go for it whats the worst be can do - maybe not talk to you for a few days. He will love it. Good luck. sandy x

  12. I read all your comments so far , & there are some great ideas ! How lucky are you to have a timber kitchen that you are able to change. I love your ceiling , not sure by the picture if it is really white but I would paint it white to lighten up the space, if you really cant paint the cupboards ? Oh go on just do it , Im naughty I know. But just imagine how lighter & bigger the space would seem. Show him Kerri's before & afters , we will all be there supporting you ever step of the way.
    All the best
    Karyn x


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)