Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy 101 Award

Today I woke up to a lovely suprise.
 The gorgeous Mara from Home Shabby Home decided to pass on the Happy 101 blog award to me!
 I must say I was just a  little  hugely excited.. as this is my first award.
 Mara is such a gorgeous lady and lives in Padova, Italy. Her blog is also relatively new..but is amazing.
 I am still in awe that lovely ladies from all around the world can come together and blog about things they love. So please go and visit Mara..she would love to hear from you....the markets in Italy are amazing!

So now I have to list ten things that make me happy :)

Here they are:
1.My gorgeous family......hubby and two teenage daughters
2. Sifting through second hand stores for a bargain find
3.Spending the afternoon lunching with my lovely girlfriends
4. The smell of freshly ground coffee
5. Watching my beautiful puppy while he sleeps in my lap
6. Visiting craft markets
7.Watching my eldest daughter grow into an independent young women
8. Seeing my youngest daughters face when she scores a goal in soccer
9. The smell of beautiful perfume
10. Having the priviledge of sharing thoughts, ideas and laughter with lovely blog ladies from all over the world

Now I have the chance to pass this on to some other lovely ladies.
They are:

Sandy at Sandy's Place

The Moerks at Lets Go Moerkabout

Thank you ladies you have all been so welcoming....

also a special mention to Tina at Rubies Place
and Kristine at The Painted Hive
 for all your support.....I don't think I can pass the award to you because someone else has!!!!!

Please go and visit these lovely ladies...they have beautiful blogs and truly are  amazing.

Enjoy your Mothers Day
Big Hugs

Kym XX


  1. Oh Kym, you are such a sweetheart! Thanks for passing this award on to me, I'm chuffed! And what a lovely top ten list.
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day,
    K xx

  2. put a big smile on my face, you are so sweet!!! Love your top 10! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  3. Thank you so much Kym! It's so lovely that you thought of me..I have done a top ten list previously so I won't bore everyone with it again! I just love yours, you sound like a great mum.. Happy Mothers' Day! Rxx

  4. Kym, thank you. This is all very exciting. I have seen awards on other peoples blogs, but never thought it would happen to me. What a lovely surprise for Mother's Day.

  5. Congratulations on your award lovely lady!! I am so happy for you:) Thank you also for your very sweet special mention, that has made my day! Hope you are having the loveliest Mothers Day Kym!~Tina xx

  6. Yeah!!! I remember getting my first award and it was such a thrill! Well done girl!

  7. hi ..congratulations on your award ..I'm new to your blog and i just wanted to say i love it,
    look forward to visiting your blog again ,you are always welcome to pop around to mellis designs anytime ..
    p.s i love the smell of fresh coffee too xxx

  8. Kym you are a darling , thankyou. I havent had time to think of my top 10 yet & who to pass this award on to . Going to try & look deeper to find someone who hasnt had it yet, it would be so easy to pass it back to you. I will do a post on it as soon I can & work out how to do the links. Your blog is looking more lovely every day.......
    Karyn x


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)