Thursday, May 20, 2010

My girls musical experience

Yes I am back...all done with report writing Yay
Today I thought I would share a little snippet about my girl
I have always loved decorating, craft, sewing and anything arty.
   Eldest daughter was at the stage of her schooling life where she had to decide her future career direction
 She wanted to head into design or decorating.
She is currently studying at uni and I thought  I would share one of her latest real life projects.

Along with two other students, her task was to create a table setting and decorate a room for a number of musicians at an upmarket motel in the city.
The brief was:
1.It had to be warm
2. Include the colour orange ( no easy task)
 3. Be within a very limited budget!

 They came up with an idea!!!!

They started with these...

and ended up with this

Each had a litle musical quote attached...

not happy about someone plonking wine lists in the middle of the settings..

and that knife needs to straightened..but you get the idea...


It was a huge job and she learned a lot and really enjoyed the experience....

Enjoy your day
Kym X


  1. Your daughter and her group did a great job of decorating on a budget! What a great idea using the sheets of music. You must be so proud of her! xx

  2. What a great project. Anything that features sheet music is lovely in my opinion! It looks so striking and I love the black and orange. Classic but comtemporary.

  3. Kym, your daughter and her group came up with a genius idea! I love how they have used the manuscripts and the table settings look amazing! I think your lovely girl has chosen very wisely career-wise, seems she has fabulous talent! Congratulations to her on such a wonderful job! Glad to hear all of your report-writing is done and I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care lovely ~ Hugs Tina XX

  4. How handy is that having a daughter studying design! The room looks great.

  5. Very nice job, they should be proud of their work.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi again Kym, I just wanted to let you know that I have left an award for you on my blog today! Have a great weekend! xx

  8. looks so beautiful. She must be so proud of herself! Rachaelxx

  9. Thank you lovely ladies your comments are so sweet...I am very proud of my girl and I know she is very appreciative if not a little embarassed that her mum has posted her work..Kym X


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