Thursday, May 13, 2010

No more procrastinating

Hi lovely ladies just a quick post to say I will be MIA until next week .

I will be somewhere like this ...

using something like this.....

to complete something like this.....

whilst drinking something like this....

and snacking on something like this......

Enjoy the rest of your week and take care...



  1. Oh no, not dreaded report card time! Those cupcakes and tea should go some way to ease the agony. Good luck :o)

  2. He, he. I should remind my husband he will be needing to do the same!

  3. Everything sounds great, except for the report cards! My daughter is studying to be a teacher, so I'm sure she'll have many years ahead of her, doing just what you're doing this week. Hope you manage to get it finished quick smart so we can have you back here! K xx

  4. Oh enjoy the report writing Kym...A pleasure I have yet to experience:) We will miss you but will all be here when you get back. ~ Tina xx

  5. Hurry back. Reward you good work with a little blog time;)

  6. Thanks for stopping by to say hello Kym. Sounds like you will be very busy. I've enjoyed visiting your blog too. Sounds like you need to work on your husband's dislike for painting timber...very funny!!

  7. hi kym ,enjoy your time off hope its not to stressful writing your report cards , glad you stopped by the other day ,hope to see you there more often, I'm really enjoying visiting your blog too xxx

  8. Thanks for coming over to visit us! I am really enjoying your blog so I will be back for more :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your week ahead! See you soon, Deb

  10. Excellent - as long as you drink plenty of that and eat several of those, you'll be just fine! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment. I hope to see you again soon.

    x Charlotta


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