Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Decal rating

It seems everyone is changing the look of their blog so I thought I would have a bit of a play around too. Not sure how long this look will last as this is the third time in as many months that I've changed the look. Thank goodness for the Graphics Fairy.

I know some of you have used decals in your decorating and I  am one of them.

Daughters bedroom

I have a few others but have been a little reluctant to put them up as I'm not sure if it would be too much.

I have a chandelier and an Eiffel Tower..but can't make up my mind??????

Found these pics as inspiration.....

Have a lovely week
Kym X


  1. Hi Kym. I think you're right in that at times wall decals can be a bit too much. The one in your daughters room looks just right to me - it's making a statement all on its own without too much other clutter around it. I don't have any in my home though I'm not sure why (maybe I just haven't gotten around to it yet!). In the right place and with the right decor they make for a pretty cool and stylish addition.

  2. Hi Kym, I love your new blog design and I admit I am a big fan of wall decals but I have had to stop myself from putting more up as I will be going into overkill if I do! Your daughters room looks great! xx

  3. Hi Kym i must admit i LOVE decals with meanings to them, Believe is my favorite an the one in your daughters room is one of my favorite sayings.but i agree to much decals everywhere is over kill.
    P.S i love your header looks great XX

  4. Love the look of your blog! The decals look fantastic too. Don't go overboard (I know it is tempting...) but remember, less is more.

  5. I keep toying with the idea of decals..these images are lovely. I love your new look, it's beautiful..Rachaelxx

  6. Your blog looks fabulous Kym:) I love these images of the decals! I have used some lovely birdcage decals in our girls room (thanks to the very generous and lovely Nellie from McCarthy Designs). Your daughter's room looks beautiful!! Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday ~ Tina xx

  7. Hi Kym,
    I also like the decals. I love the chandeliers and I also like a meaningful one above a bed or in a bedroom.
    The new look blog is great by the way, adore the bird and the tag on the header.
    Have a great week.

  8. I like the look of decals. But, ended up putting one on a big canvas, which worked really well (till I got sick of it)

  9. Love the new look! ALso love the decal in the bedroom, it's perfect :)

  10. I love the new look of your blog & the decal in your daughters room looks fabulous. I think I need the blackboard decal in my kitchen to write the dinner menu on, that way my family wont need to ask one by one, "whats for dinner?". Great inspiration!!!!

  11. I'd limit decals with sayings because once you read them, you never have to look at them again.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I love the design of your blog. I'll have to take time to figure out how to customize mine. I don't have any decals yet, as I too am just starting to redecorate my whole house...but my favorite is picture #8, where the words wrap around the corner.


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