Friday, June 11, 2010

Gorgeous cushions

You  know how much I love gorgeous excited I was today to discover that I had won a giveaway from the lovely Pamela at Mountain Living Gardening and Decorating.

 Pamela has a fabulous ebay store My Cushion Covers...
you may have heard about Pamela's store as it was featured in
A-Ms Home Beautiful article. 
 She has the most amazing cushions and I have purchased one of Pamela's cushions in the past.
The quality and workmanship are outstanding.

So please visit Pamela's blog and say hello.
I can also highly recommend  her e-bay store

I would like to say a huge thank you to Pamela for the chance to enter her giveaway and I can't wait to choose some new cushion covers.

Kym X

Have a lovely weekend


  1. Well done on your win Kym! I just checked out Pamela's store. Some charming little cushions.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Wow Kyandra!!! lucky girl! you too have won a fantastic giveaway!!!!

    Have a great week end my dear!

  3. Kym,
    Wow, Wow, Wow!!!
    beautiful win! a win to LOVE.

  4. What a great prize! I did have a look at her store when it was featured in HB..lots of lovely covers..Rachaelxx

  5. Oh, wow! Lucky you! I LOVE pillows, one of my favorite decorating items! I'm so glad you found Little Blue Deer so I could find you! Definitely following back! XO!

  6. Hi Kym,
    Thanks so much for the mention and to everyone for their sweet comments.
    I'm battling to keep stock in my ebay store (I pay for 5 pages) but lately have found it hard to fill 3.
    My blog was supposed to be about my gardening and decorating projects but there haven't been any of those lately as I've been kept so busy with cushion covers. I'm not complaining about this because the more I sell the more gorgeous fabric I get to buy!
    Thanks again Kim and enjoy what's left of your weekend. Pamela xxx

  7. I just found your amazing blog, and LOVE it, great inspiration pictures- i need some of those for my blog- Love them, and i too love love love and am so greatful each day for my blogging friends- i always wonder if those who follow or comment new how important those comments were to some of us..
    Great Blog ,and a new Follower, Ill be back for more.. Just love the style of your blog.


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)