Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Decisions Decisions

I started this  blog to help myself decide on how to update our home.
In the past few months I've met the most amazingly generous souls who are always willing to offer advice and opinions in the most positive way...I truly treasure everyones feedback but I'm still in a dilemma.
 I know what I love but have done NOTHING to change my house.
Scared, unsure...maybe?
 I've collected a few things but haven't made any major changes ..sooo because I'm almost on holidays...It's about time I knuckled down and got some of those tasks done....

A sneak peek at a few finds and market buys....

and lots of inspiration

some books to read

gorgeous cushions and bird cages

burlap and white....

burlap and wine

a chandelier and more wine

some cute vignettes

gorgeous frames

my kind of glass

chippy paint

and eventually a white kitchen and some new stools????

So I better get to it...
oh I haven't finished work yet
will keep you posted



  1. Beautiful images Kym. I can't wait to see what you come up with. It is going to be fantastic if your inspiration photos are anything to go by! Happy hump day! xx

  2. Hi Kym. It's hard to get started sometimes. One of the biggest problems I find is wanting to do/have one of everything! I still can't decide what to put above my bed - a round mirror, vintage print, set of picture frames, massive map, ornate mirror??? I love them all which makes it so difficult to decide. It looks like you've got a great sense of the type of style you want so change one thing you're sure about to begin with then hopefully everything else will follow! Can't wait to see some changes.

  3. Lovely post Kym,
    Heaps of inspiration in all of these shots. I too am on an endless task of re-arranging, re-decorating my home. It's challenging, inspiring fun and exhausting all at once.
    We are like minded souls.
    Donna xx

  4. Lots of beautiful things! Have you got hubby to agree to a white kitchen yet? Can't wait to see what you get up to..Rachaelxx

  5. Hi Kym, I don't think we ever stop changing our homes around... I think its part of our make up! I hope you have some positive results in your holidays and I look forward to seeing some lovely posts. I love your inspirational shots, so I am sure you will do something wonderful!

  6. Hi Kym! You have alot of beautiful finds! I'm sure you will get the right inspiration and then show us what you have done with them!!!


  7. Kym, love the photos you posted and this post! We'll all be rooting for ya and giving our two cents as usual, if you ask for it.

  8. If those are from your inspiration file, I think you'll do just fine. Such gorgeous images! :-)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  9. You have collected so many beautiful images Kym, you could just start making little changes here and there, or just one room at a time.
    Have a fantastic day!
    Laura curriexxx

  10. Well I have found if I just start with the main larger pieces first and get that all sorted the rest of it just falls into place. Works everytime for me!

  11. With all the gorgeous images you have I know you will pull it off!!!

  12. I love ALL of these ideas! What beautiful images. Can't wait to see what you do with your home!

  13. Hi Kym. Such beautiful pics! I am kind of like you at the moment in that I have all of my inspiration pics, but actually making the transformation is proving much more difficult to do than I had thought. I think your inspiration pics are gorgeous and I can't wait to see your results, it will be beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina xx

  14. Love your pics! Perfect! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  15. You have so many beautiful inspiration pics & have already collected some lovely accesories, so I guess all you need is some of that wine & the creativity will just flow!!!
    Have fun, can't wait to see the end result


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