Saturday, June 26, 2010

World Cup

Very, very, very yawn late last night ( way past my bed time)
 we left the warmth of our home...with teenage daughter and friends... to travel here...

we put on these

to watch


Despite a 0-0 draw... the soccer girls enjoyed the match

Although.... I suspect it may have had something to do with

especially when at the end of the match
 he did this....

the girls were quick to  put those 3 D glasses on again...

Oh my how quickly they grow up!!!!!!!!!



  1. Sounds like it was a good time had by all, although a rather tiring time too. Thanks for the eye candy too lol.
    Donna xx

  2. Hoo Ha!! Wow, what a fabulous post ;) What a great Mum you are to take the girls out so late! I am not a soccer fan....but I think I could grow to like it:) Hope you got a sleep in this morning! Have a great Sunday ~ Tina xx

  3. That looks entertaining! I am sure the soccer was exciting too! Lol!

  4. Sounds like a fun night out to me!!!

  5. That's funny! He's not really my cup of tea..glad you enjoyed the game..Rachaelxx

  6. Clever little post! Nice eye candy finish too!

  7. Hello there.... :o) !!

    I've just popped in quickly before hitting the hay to say THANK YOU for visiting with me....NOW I want to say THANKS for the eye candy....hahahahaha....I wonder what I'll be dreaming about tonight....hahahahaha....!

    Hope you have a FAB week....! I look forward to catching up with you soon....!!!

    Tamarah :o)

  8. I am so glad New Zealand are out of the soccer. I can't take another late night/early morning, not to mention the stress while the game is on, I'm exhausted!
    Thanks for sharing your fun night out.

  9. Thanks ladies it was a fun night...
    ;) Kym XOX


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