Thursday, July 1, 2010

Twi- Hard !

 Hmmmm...well today I'm off to the movies ...sigh.....

Even though I'm not a huge Twighlight fan, I have a couple of gorgeous girlfriends that are!
Twi -Hards ?????.....absolutely.... and they won't mind me saying that

 : o .....honesty amongst friends

So to offer some moral support to these poor girls I will suggest we stop at our local pancake place and have some of these..

that will keep us going...well me anyway....I think they will be more interested in Edward !!!!!

So  here are some of my kind of Twighlight pics



  1. I took my stepdaughter and my two nieces last night..the film was wonderful. The screenwriting, direction and cinematography is outstanding. You might like it! Rachaelxx

  2. You're a good friend Kym! I haven't gotten into the craze at all! Enjoy your pancakes. xx

  3. Yummmmmmmm....I could SO GO some pancakes right now.... :o) !!

    I haven't seen any of the Twilight movies yet but wouldn't mind if I could just convince Mr SVJ....And Yes I COULD go by myself but he owes me a chick flick ow TEN....hahahahaha....!

    LOVE the twilight pics....!!

    Tamarah :o)

  4. Hi Kym, I agree with you! I could go some of those pancakes and then enjoy your version of twilight! ;-)

  5. Kym, I would sit through that movie if there was a promise of those pancakes afterwards!! Hope you enjoy both:) ~ Tina xx

  6. I'm loving your twilight photos! Especially the Eiffel Tower!! :)

  7. Beautiful photos! Hope you enjoyed!!!

  8. I did enjoy the movie it was a great chick flick and the pancakes were to die for :) A great afternoon

  9. Kym, I'm proud of you for supporting your girlfriends. A bunch of us all 40 something and desparate twi-hards all met for tea and went to the movie together on it's premier night and I have to say I loved it, loved sharing it with my girlies too.


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