Friday, July 2, 2010

Giveaway fun

I haven't been blogging for very long but feel  so blessed. 
Not only  have I meet the most gorgeous people but I have also been lucky enough to win a giveaway.......

I will show you my gorgeous cushions in a later post.....

 sooooo when I was  contacted by Maree from Buyster who offered to supply a product for either a review or a giveaway........of course I chose a giveaway......yay!

It also helps me to celebrate my 50 + followers...Thanks!!!

Buyster sell so many fantastic products and I really enjoyed searching their website.

They have the most amazing Lighting see these little beauties:

Just gorgeous aren't they?????

Buyster is such a great place to look around.

So for the giveaway I couldn't go past

these from the gorgeous

 Noritake Hampshire platinum range


and accent plate

"Featuring a delicate 'raised' lace pattern that adorns an 'ice blue' coloured sleek satin band, surrounded by a classy embossed platinum trim,"


so to enter this giveaway...

the rules will be...the usual....
to make it fair to my regular followers

1. Leave a comment and let me know if you follow my blog or are becoming a follower. ( 1 entry)

2. I would love it if you added my giveaway to your sidebar!
It will count as another entry, just make sure you come back and leave another comment. (1 entry)

If you don't live in Australia you can still enter as I will get Buyster to post to me and I will post it to you!!!

The winner will be drawn on....
10th July

Good luck

You have to be in it to win it !!!



  1. What a beautiful give away, you have such great style. Buyster is rapidly becoming one of my favourite online stores. So glad I am a follower, I shall spread the word!!!

  2. I can't believe how many Buyster giveaways are around! Anyway, count me in since I love a giveaway.xx

  3. Kym, you have chosen such a gorgeous giveaway gift from Buyster! I would love to enter your gorgeous giveaway, thank you so much for the chance. I am a follower:) ~ Tina xx

  4. What a beautiful choice for a giveaway , I will have to have another look at Buyster.Of course I am already a follower !
    Karyn x

  5. I'm sure a cup of tea would taste just fine in that lovely cup. I'm a follower Kym so count me in:o)

  6. gosh what a lovely give-away....& its right that they should remind the lucky reader of you!!
    of course i'm a follower- i just don't leave comments constantly as i try to visit blogs with the 3 bambinos milling around me...

    melissa x

  7. Hi Kym!!! I love that mug! If I won it, I will use it for sipping tea, as I love it!!
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway, it's amazing!
    Oh, and I'm already a haapy follower, my dear!!!


  8. What a lovely giveaway. Please count me in! I of coarse, am already a follower of your beautiful blog! Have a great weekend. Michelle

  9. Hi Kym, been following for a little while now and would love to be included. Please count me in! Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Hi Kym, I popped over after you left a comment on my blog and wow you are having a I am now following and look forward to checking out your blog further.

  11. Hi Kym! I've just posted about yur giveaway on my sidebar!

    Have a nice week end!!!

  12. I follow you now!! I just got a blog today so I don't know how to post in the side bar or how to do anything else for that matter!! Thanks!

  13. HI Kym,
    I have just posted your give away on my sidebar, very exciting, just about to head to their website for a sticky beak.
    Enjoy the sunshine.

  14. What a great choice you've made for your giveaway Kym. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I'm a follower :)

  15. i just became a follower : )
    i hope i win...those plates are beautiful!
    looking forward to checking out
    your blog further!

    take care!

  16. Hi Kym,
    Wow this is a wonderful giveaway and I am thrilled to be able to enter. I am definitely a follower. Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.
    Donna xx

  17. Hi Kym,
    Just wanted to let you know i have put a post in my sidebar about your gorgeous giveaway.

  18. oooh weeee a giveaway yay, do count me in!

  19. oh and I am a follower too :0)

  20. Wow Kym, great choice for a giveaway, please count me in. I am a follower of your lovely blog! xx

  21. I have added a link to my sidebar for your giveaway! xx

  22. Plese count me in for your lovely giveaway! I'm your newest follower!

  23. Looks like a gorgeous giveaway Kym - could you please count me in? Not sure how I managed to be so late to the party, but better late than never I guess! Thanks so much for hosting. K xx

  24. i also have your giveaway
    on my sidebar!


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