Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend finds & Giveaway

It amazes me what people throw away. Over the weekend I found this lovely bag at the Salvos:

Love the texture

I also found these for a couple of dollars each :

sorry about pic quality..still using the i- phone

and some silver

love this old basket..
just need to make a lining for it
A great laundry hamper

Don't forget to enter my giveaway here

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend


  1. Wow Kym, you found some lovely treaures over the weekend! I love the jugs they are gorgeous. Great for flowers or to use as jugs! ; )

    I will check out your giveaway now!

  2. Great finds. The jugs are great and the footed dish is cute. xx

  3. You found some great stuff! I especially love the white pitchers, you can never have too many of those!!!

  4. Hi Kim, thanks for dropping by and following my blog. I'm your newest follower too!
    I love op/tip shopping too and particularly like the silver you found. :) Sarah

  5. don't you just love finding new treasures!!! love you new finds XX

    p.s sending big hugs to you to say thank you so much for your kind words the other day you are just beautiful miss kym XXXX

  6. Hooray for the Salvos! What great pieces you have found here and all of them practical as well as pretty:o)

  7. Hi Kym, Great little treasures. Love those white jugs and the silver platter.

  8. Hi Kym!

    I love all these treasures!! Lucky girl.
    I have been on vacation and i see your having a lovely giveaway! Count me in and yes I am a happy follower of your pretty blog! I will try and get it posted on my sidebar when i get home!
    Pamela xo

  9. Kym, I'm there with you hon. We are just too much a throw away society. Hopefully people at least give to Salvation Army and stuff, instead of the landfill with perfectly good stuff still. As the saying goes, One persons junk, another's treasure. It would be nice if people thought about that before putting things in the trash can.
    Also, your photographs are great, by the way.

  10. Amazing finds here Kym, wow I would love to find treasures like these too.

  11. Hi Kym. I love all of your gorgeous treasures! I love your white pitcher jugs and your bag!! Hope you are having a wonderful week and enjoying the school break ~ Tina xx

  12. Fantastic finds! Love those pitchers and the basket is great!


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