Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beautiful art work from Papertreedesign

Thank you to all for your comments on how to cover my wing back chair....I've decided to give it a go myself and will post when it's  finished.
I have been trying to catch up on my favourite blogs and am amazed at what you have all been up to.
Sooo very busy.....

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to recieve this in the mail.

So beautifully wrapped

Such an amazing card

Such beautiful words..... from the gorgeous

Michelle is such an amazing artist  and I was lucky enough to win her generous giveaway

If you haven't visited Michelle please do, as not only does she have a beautiful blog, but she also has
 an esty store here and a made it store here

It was soo very difficult to choose a prize as Michelle had so many beautiful pieces of art.

So I choose these lovely tags

and this amazing piece called Hearts'a' Flutter

I love the detail

and the little red heart
(my apologies for the reflection but couldn't find the right time of day)

I love Michelles tags so much that I can't part with them and decided to put one here

I can not thank Michelle enough for hosting such a beautiful giveaway.
I love my gorgeous stop by at Michelles  blog and say hi and take a look at her gorgeous stores!
She has lots of goodies to tempt you ;)
Have a lovely day

Have a great


  1. Hi there Kym, you lucky thing!!! what a gorgeous prize! I dont blame you not wanting to part with the pretty little tags!! Thankyou for all of your gorgeous comments and your thoughts; I am so grateful .. Its hard , not being able to really express my grattitude over the internet, but know that it means a lot to me. yours, laura xxx

  2. What gorgeous goodies! Soooo pretty! What a lucky lady you are :)

  3. Congratulations on your win Kym. Michelle has fantastic goodies and I love the ones you chose. xx

  4. CONGRATULATIONS Kym....The heart piece is BEAUTIFUL as are the sweet tags....Michelle is indeed a very sweet & clever artist....Enjoy your hand made TREASURES....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  5. She is very talented, what beautiful gifts! I'm so glad you're bringing that wing back chair to life again too..can't wait to see the result..Rachaelxx

  6. Congratulations on your win Kym. You have chosen lovely items and well done to the very talented Michelle! ;-)

  7. Hi Kym,
    Congratulations on your win, the pieces you have shown here are ust gorgeous. I am going to go on over and have a look at her blog. Pop on over to mine and enter my giveaway. Good luck.
    Donna xx

  8. Hi Kym, Thanks so much for your kind words. I love where you have placed the artwork and I think it's very sweet that you are using the tags in your home rather than for gifts. You are a very deserving winner as you always have time for everyone and have such a wonderful blog.
    Thanks to everyone who left their wonderful comments. It gives me such inspiration to keep on designing. Hugs Michelle xx


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)