Saturday, September 4, 2010


Today I woke up and wondered where the time had gone.

 It wasn't that long ago that my youngest girl was doing this...

Today  is her school formal

and I have  finally realised that my beautiful baby girl has become a gorgeous young woman...

so her older sister and I will help her with



so that she can

ohhhh hold back the tears..hold back the tears..sniff..sniff..

What has happened to all those years???

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend



  1. Hello Kym....!

    I'm SURE you'll help make this a WONDERFUL day for your daughter to cherish FOREVER....So make those tears, tears of JOY & don't be sad....!

    Tamarah :o)

  2. Oh, I so know how you feel! My eldest daughter turned 19 last week, and I just can't believe how fast the time has flown by. Only a few more years and my three will all have finished school. I intend to cherish this time as much as I can. K xx

  3. Such a lovely post Kym, Time travels too fast especially when it comes to watching our precious children grow up. Wishing your daughter a wonderful formal.
    Donna xx

  4. Oh Kym, this post has made me cry! You are such a beautiful Mum and I am sure that your daughter is such an amazing reflection of that. I hope she has the most wonderful time at her formal, what a special day. Hope that you are ok, sending you all my love and hope that I can get some advice in about 2 years time, when our biggest girl will be experiencing the same...! Hugs lovely lady ~ Tina xx

  5. I don't know how you're holding it together..I'm going to be a mess. I'm already feeling a bit that way and they're only 3 and 4! Hope she has a lovely time..Rachaelxx

  6. Hi Kym, It just goes way too fast doesnt it? And doesnt it make you feel old!! It doesnt feel like that long ago that I was that age, and now?!! My son thinks I am ancient! But in all honestly, I think we have to really cherish each day with our babies and spoil them and love them to bits!!
    Hugs to you,
    Laura xxx

  7. Hi Kym,

    How lovely that you enjoyed the day with your girls. Yes I know these times can be sad, but you wouldn't be the parent you are if you felt any differently.

    Cherish every moment.

    Pamela xx

  8. I fully understand how your feeling, my eldest had her yr10 formal last year, its amazing to see they have grown into such a beautiful. Have a fabulous day!!!


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