Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gorgeous man

Thanks for all the well wishes and understanding about my gorgeous girl attending her formal. I'm happy to report all went well :) and yes a few tears shed by mum. Not sure if it was because she has grown up so quickly or the fact that.. yep..I really am getting old...hmmmm ;0

Last week my gorgeous husband went away on business....we have been married for a long, long time and he has always been a little romantic...every now and then suprising me with flowers or something he thinks I might like to add to my collections.....

It has been a while since he has done this..I think because he's no longer sure of my decorating style????

So I was a little lot  suprised and delighted when he came home with a couple of large paper bags and said, "these are for you, I saw them in a cafe and the lady said they sell out quick."

They were like this

and the other similar to this

Do I like them???? Of course..I love them.... can't believe how sweet he is sometimes..... That's why I married him.

so now I have to find a place for them.......

Some inspiration.....

Even Barbie has her own hat boxes

Have a wonderful weekend



  1. Wow...what a guy! Those are beautiful. And it gives me an idea for a project I go again!

  2. Hi Kym. It's lovely to hear that your daughter had a great time at her formal. What a sweet hubby to buy you such a fabulous gift!! Enjoy your new treasures and hope you have a great week. ~ Tina x

  3. What a lovely gift - he is very thoughtful. Love the images. Good to hear your daughter enjoyed the formal - I understand the tears! Have a lovely Sunday.
    Rebecca x

  4. How lucky are you?! Can't wait to see where you put them.
    Lovely to hear your daughter had a great formal. Life seems to have sped up since having children. Don't know about you but it seems I measure my ageing against their milestones!
    Hope you had a great weekend. Michelle

  5. oh i too will be IN TEARS when my biggest gal goes to her first formal...i have a few years up my sleeve yet...but i'm still anticipating tears- and from her dad too!!

    now, how lovely is your husband....a beautiful box or two will last much longer than a bunch of flowers- lovely as it is to get those as well...

    the inspiration photos were gorgeous!

    melissa xx

  6. You are a lucky girl Kym but then I suspect he is also a lucky guy. Enjoy your hat boxes, they are lovely. I have my wedding hat in a large Laura Ashley one.
    Pamela xxx

  7. Gorgeous inspiration pics Kym, and you are a lucky girl to have such a thoughtful husband enjoy your lovely new pieces and have a lovely,lovely day.
    Donna xx

  8. Wow Kym! Your husband is really sweet! and he knows you perfectly! Enjoy your gifts and, please, post a picture of them in your home!

  9. Your husband did well, they are beautiful gifts. I love a little bit of French style in my house.

  10. lovely blog, beautiful pictures ...A bientot


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