Monday, January 24, 2011

Gone to the Birds

I  have always been a bit of a collector....I have been trying really hard to purge a lot of  some things as my style changes...and the house needs a good clean out!!!!

...but lately I seem to be drawn to anything 'birdie".....

image found here

and gorgeous cages....

beautiful wallpaper

even simple framed pictures...

Do you have a decorating addiction ??????

Hope you have a lovely week

Kym X


  1. What a divine post, Kym. Ooh, where did you find those tiles? J x

  2. It all looks great! I have just purchased one of those birdies for my sister. I hope she likes it. ;-)

  3. Really lovely things, especially the wallpapers. I rather like birds as a decorative feature too :)

  4. I have more than 1 decorating addiction! Mirrors, urns, finials, pears, lamps...shall I go on?
    My daughter just put a silhouette bird/branch decal on her bedroom wall and cut out some more birds from scrapbook paper. It looks fantastic.
    Great post Kym, with some gorgeous images.

  5. YUM YUM YUM!!!! I love it all....
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  6. Oh Kym too divine, especially the cushions and the tags beautiful!
    Donna xx

  7. Beautiful post,
    Thank you for sharing photos I have drooled over in past issues of favorite mags and so on.

    I love your birds and your love for them. I shared birdcages as well on my post :)
    Love your beautiful tages what a treat to receive a taged gift from you!

    keep inspiring us all.

  8. Lovely pictures especially the coat hooks and mirrored bird cages.
    Hope you had a good Australia Day.
    Pamela xx

  9. Thank you Kym for your visit and beautiful comment.
    I am so going to enjoy my many visits to you and your inspiring beauty over here.

    See you so very soon!!

    G'day love

  10. You really do have some gorgeous pictures here! Love the birds... Georgie x

  11. bird cage wallpaper i like your way to
    represent these cages i love birds and i also care for them i like to keep birds in my eyes i love them to be mine and also i like for them beautiful cages i would like to appreciate you on this


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)