Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vintage Girl

Sitting here wondering what to post about when I spy my gorgeous vintage girl out of the corner of my eye..

I have always loved vintage 'dress makers dummys' or  'vintage forms' as they are known..

Sandy from Paint Me White recently posted about a dress form that she had found...

I originally went searching for my girl a number of years ago and had difficulty finding one until  I visited here

I love the way they can add character to a room.

I paid way too much for my girl but she is delightful....  she is a 1920's or 1930's edition with a flat chest and tiny hips and waist .....

I often wonder where she has been and what she has seen...if only she could talk..

She used to sit in my bedroom, adorned with a white dress ( no not my wedding dress)

(no my room no longer looks like that either....)

Now I have her in the living area..naked except for a necklace, tape measure and some of my grandmothers vintage brooches.....

This is not her final  resting spot... I have plans for her... but I was trying to get a full length photo....

I do need to buy that camera....

Yes,  if only she could talk !!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I can picture her in a big walk in robe or dressing area bathroom.....
    I think she needs a that weird?

  2. I just adore dress forms...along with all of the other gals out there who drape them from head to toe in beads, baubles and frothy dresses! I have been looking for one for ages and I finally got impatient, bought a new one and tea dyed it to look old. It turned out really cute...but I'm still on the lookout for an authentic one. One of these days! ~Stacy~ (*_*)

  3. Your girl is a beauty Kym!! I love her shape and her stand is gorgeous:) I have never seen one on my travels...what a fabulous find for you. I think she would have been worth every cent :D Hope you are having a wonderful week so far ~ Tina x

  4. They are quite unique and look very effective. I love the antique jewellery you have added to yours and the tape measure of course. I had to settle for a wrought iron one... ;-)

  5. She is wonderful - yes, it would be great to know what she has seen. I'm not a sewer but would still love one. Michelle

  6. They're lovely, I think they always look fabulous..Rachaelxx

  7. Love her. It would be wonderful to imagine where she has been and what she has seen. What a great addition to a vintage French style house. G

  8. She is fabulous! I love them but freaked out when I saw the price tags on some last week - over $1500! Wowza!!

  9. She is a beauty Kym & looking very chic with her tape measure!
    Millie x

  10. Hi Kym, thanks for visiting my blog I am now your new follower, the dress form is cool I like it. Nice to meet you and look forward to seeing everthing you post.

  11. Worth every penny Kym! I was helping Sandy set up her store at the WAC yesterday and she showed me a vintage form that another store holder was seller - you're right, they're not cheap!!!
    Have a great weekend :o)

  12. What a great find...I have been looking out for one of these for ages but never seem to find them. She looks lovely and I love the stand.
    Danielle x


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