Monday, October 3, 2011

Instant Wall Art

Today has been very crafty one here at Kyandra....

My laundry needed some instant art work and not wanting to spend too much money I thought of the wonderful Graphics Fairy my favourite place to find beautiful vintage images.

I already had a black frame so decided to look for suitable images....I found some gorgeous eggs, birds and feathers.

I didn't want a plain background so photocopied some sheet music then printed the images on these.

then I cut them out...

and put them in my frame....

Somehow one didn't seem enough, so out I went and purchased another frame..
not realising the mat was a different colour....

oops...oh well......instant art...
on newly painted walls..yay

then I put a little tag from here onto my old wash basket

So I can tick that job off the list....laundry almost complete

What have you been up to ???


  1. Oh I LIKE the two different colored mats :) Nice job--don't ya just love INSTANT art and sheet music?! I did a similar project this week too from GraphicsFairy's for her linky party. In fact....
    Visiting from GraphicsFairy's BRAG MONDAY linky party.
    Thanks for sharing :)
    ~Suzanne in NW Illinois

  2. Nice job
    Enjoy your Monday

  3. Beautifully done!

  4. Lovely,
    Thanks for sharing that, I have some little bird prints I did on fabric that I will post a pic of soon

  5. Very nice, you'll have one very stylish laundry! x Jode

  6. Your laundry is going to look lovely. Graphics Fairy is an amazing resource :)

  7. Love your work Kym..very creative, the mismatched frames are perfect.

  8. I love printing on sheet music too! Love the images you chose - they look fabulous! Coming over from Brag Monday and a new follower!



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