Sunday, October 2, 2011

A little Spring

Yesterday was a very wet and cold one here in Melbourne. Today the sun is shining...although I'm not sure for how long.

I would like to thank everyone who has asked about or commented on the progress of the continues but I promise to show more soon...just a little tweeking needed! I would also like to apologise if I haven't replied to emails as I am having a few technical hiccups...they seem to be coming in ..but I cannot send or reply.....????????

Today I thought I would share some pics of our garden. Some of these I have posted before but some are is the area of our home that I am most happy with....

gorgeous wisteria buds......

Enjoy your Sunday


  1. Your garden looks gorgeous Kym. Hubby and I are admiring how lovely your box hedge looks at the front. xx

  2. My goodness Kym, your garden is absolutely stunning!! I love your wysteria and your hedging... just gorgeous:) I need to borrow your green thumb!! Happy week ahead ~ Txx

  3. Picture Book Pretty !
    Thankyou Kym for your kind comment yesterday.
    K x

  4. Kym, your garden is beautiful! It all looks so neat and tidy and lush and green. I adore the shot of your verandah area x


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)