Wednesday, November 23, 2011

And the winner is....... & some xmas inspiration

Hello my lovelies....hoping you are having a wonderful week.... the giveaway closed on Saturday but I have been a little slow in getting around to announcing the winner......
I would like to welcome and thank my new is always exciting to see some new faces following..

 The winner of the cushion made by moi... and the lamp from Provincial Home Living is...

the wonderful Deb from Let's Go Moerkabout

congratulations me and I will post out your goodies.

Now as mentioned in my last post I have finally started some xmas shopping....a few of my work colleagues have do they do it?

Anyway I thought I would share some gorgeous Xmas decorating pics...I don't think our tree will be going up anytime soon..although these may just be the inspiration I need!

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how cute are these cushions...

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add a little colour...

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or some Xmas wishes...

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all pics via  Pinterest

I'm not sure which colour  to choose this year.

Does anyone else change their colour theme each year?

Congrats once again to Deb!!!!!


  1. Lovely images Kym, our theme for the tree is always the same but I do change the table setting theme each year. Congrats to Deb well done. ;-)

  2. Yay for Deb! My tree never looks as good as those kids are too much in charge!!

  3. Beautiful trees Kym, my shopping is off to a slow start this year too, or is christmas just coming a lot sooner.x

  4. OH Kym I am blown away. Thank you. I was feeling very sorry for myself this morning. I have been home with sick kids all week. This has made my day. I even have teary eyes. Thank you so very much. I will email you my details. I think I need a cuppa now.

  5. My warmest congrats, Deb. So fabulous to see these pretties heading to one of my favourite bloggers. I hope your day is improving now! J x


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