Saturday, November 19, 2011

An industrial affair & last chance giveaway

I love drooling over gorgeous Pinterest images...... and I think I'm having an industrial affair....

I just cannot keep away from these beautiful pics and poor Mr K has been neglected.

As I sit perusing industrial images on the laptop....he is left to his own devices.

Perhaps I could encourage him to build me this lovely table....

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a packing pallet.......some castor's, glass and voila.....

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he could source some of those baskets....or paint me a large scrabble tile, but I really love those mirrors 

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I would die for floors like that...and those lights....

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hmmm, but this is my idea of the perfect place to snuggle up...

with the lap top...of course...

Don't forget my giveaway...

Wishing all a wonderful week


  1. Hi Kym, There is always something that is neglected when we are implementing our very intense research don't you think? x

  2. Beautiful images - it makes me want to paint everything white, but I just love bright colour too much!

  3. Kym I am just wiping the drool from my chin. Those imags are great. I really love the collies. Have a good day. Deb

  4. I don't mind a bit of industrial too. Love the images you have found. You can lose hours on Pinterest... ;-)

  5. Oh Kym , Ive just called hubby in to show him the pallet coffee table.
    I think he might groan. Lets see.......
    Karyn x

  6. I am loving an industrial touch at the moment as well! My mother has some pallets sitting under her house which are calling my name for some kind of cool furniture piece - thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. Fabulous pictures. I love the grey colour scheme in all of these as well. Have a great Sunday. x Sharon


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