Friday, November 18, 2011

Last chance to enter my giveaway and some Xmas inspiration

Thank you for your lovely comments on my giveaway and a reminder that it will close tomorrow night....
so enter while you can here

You might win these.....

I love this gorgeous is soooo sweet....

For the past few weeks I have had my head down and tail up... working like a crazy lady.....but now that aspect of work is  finished, I can relax a little.

Just in time to prepare for it me, or is it just the older you get, the quicker it comes around each year...


Thought I would leave you with these pretties

Alright that's enough inspiration......I'm off to Chadstone to start my Christmas shopping...... and maybe I can sneak in a few decorations.....

Don't forget to enter my giveaway

Good luck.........


  1. I like your lamp
    Have a nice day

  2. Have fun at Chaddy, I was there yesterday, got a carpark very easily and it didnt seem to be too crowded.x


I love to read your comments.. thanks for taking the time...I appreciate each and every one :)