Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers

Hello lovelies I'm back...seem to be saying that a lot lately.. life just seems to take over sometimes and I know that everyone has the same thing from time to time.

It never ceases to amaze me how kind and wonderful complete strangers can be during times of crisis.
Last week youngest Miss C went with a group of friends to the Australian Open tennis. This is quite an adventure as we live at least an hour drive away from Melbourne.......

a great time was had and we kept in contact throughout the day via text message.... Miss C had just phoned to ask what time she was expected home and all was well.

I'm sure you can imagine my blind panic when a stranger phoned some 15 minutes later asking about Miss C's medical history explaining she had collapsed!!!!!!!

OMG....instant panic..... yes the ambulance came and whisked Miss C to hospital.....

How thankful I was that the complete stranger..kept me up dated on Miss C's condition and on what had happened. She phoned a number of times and kept me calm as we dashed to get to the hospital!!!
Afterwards she sent messages to check on the status of Miss C.

Apparently she had helped Miss C and her friends during the episode.. before the ambulance and medics arrived....

The lady was so kind and understanding......making me think of  the kindness that wonderful bloggers  share....

So to Tracey...THANK YOU... you are simply the best!!!!!

Miss C is OK...needing further medical tests.....

Wishing all a wonderful week



  1. Crumbs, that must have given you an awful fright. Glad everything is ok and lovely to hear a good story about a stranger :)

  2. Jeepers!! how awful but what a wonderful person to be so thoughtful!! Fingers and toes crossed it will all be okay! hopefully she saw a bit of the tennis...

  3. There are some really caring people out there, and it is always refreshing to hear about them. Hoping all is well. Must have been scary for you though. xx

  4. Oh dear. What a fright for you. There are lots of good people out there and thank goodness one was near when your daughter needed help. Hope the tests go well and it is nothing serious. xx

  5. I can only imagine how terrible that must have been Kym. It is so lovely to hear a good news story and even more wonderful that people like Tracey exist. I hope all is well with Miss C. xx

  6. Strewth! What a worry but how great is it to know that there are stranger who are so kind! How lucky for you all that that particular person was nearby. I hope your daughter is ok x

  7. Hi Kym
    I'm glad Miss C is OK.
    I could feel your fear. In this sometimes mean spirited world it's good to hear of kindness.
    Kind Regards

  8. Hi Kym, what a frightful time. Sending best wishes to you both.x

  9. Oh how awful, thank goodness for the lovely Tracey. Good luck with the tests and I hope all is well.

  10. What a thing to happen! Imagine how much more you would have panicked without the good samaritan keeping you up to date. It is so great to hear stories about the good people in the world, when the newspapers are full of the opposite. Hope all is ok with your daughter. x Sharon

  11. Oh Kym! Goosebumps in Hobart reading this. Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers indeed. Hoping Miss C is back to her sparkling self very soon. J x

  12. How frightening! I'm glad she's ok and Tracey sounds wonderful. Let us know how the tests come out, hopefully it's something minor or nothing at all. Have a lovely week..Rachaelxx


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