Saturday, January 7, 2012

A touch of red

I know Christmas is over and I have finally packed away the last of the decorations.....yes I know....
should have been done already.... but I'm not quite ready to let it go sooooo...

..... lately I have been drawn to adding little pops of red in my decor.

Loving these.....

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I heart these tolix stools......

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all images via Pinterest

Wishing you a wonderful weekend XOX


  1. Happy New Year Kym...great choice of pics, really lovin' those red books and the red wellies.

  2. Lovely pics. My home is mostly neutral but when I do add colour - its definitely red! x Sharon

  3. love the images and the punch of colour. KP

  4. I know the feeling. I have felt the need for a bit of colour after taking down our Christmas Decorations too. I love love the red boots.

  5. Yes I was very sad to see Christmas go also. However I am still buying decorations at the sales much to hubby's horror! Love the piccies - my favourite is the gumboots. Ange

  6. Hi Kym
    How are you?
    I packed away my Xmas decorations before New Year hubby wasn't well over Xmas ( got the flu) It was the perfect time to put everything away and do some cleaning after Xmas paties and get togethers.
    Love colour and red's one of the favourites
    Kind Regards

  7. I love dashes of red, pops as you call them - so contemporary - gorgeous!!!

  8. Your blog is great! I'll follow you now.

    I look a little further, there is still much to discover on your beautiful blog.

    Have a great week!

    Warm wishes,


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