Welcome. This is the story of my home Kyandra, my love of decorating and occasionally other things. I love searching second hand stores for something I can transform and have a penchant for all things French. Kyandra needs a transformation so welcome to our journey.
Happy International Women's Day
Women’s Day should be every day… but hey, we’ll take the celebration
today! 🎉😄
Happy International Women's Day ♥
Leeann x
four things | twenty-one
Whew, it’s been a busy week for me! For that reason, my four things post
has been bumped to Friday, but I didn’t want to miss it entirely. So, this
How to Get Kids to Help Without the Whining
Getting kids to help around the house can feel like pulling teeth. The
sighs, the eye rolls, the dramatic flops onto the floor—it’s enough to make
any mu...
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
A color drenched hallway with painted doors and trim.
Smaller spaces like powder rooms, laundry rooms and hallways are *so* fun
to decorate! You can be a l...
Meet our Grandson!
Sweet friends! I am so honored to introduce you to our first grandchild…
HUTCH DANIEL HUTCHERSON, born February 20th, 2025! He is absolutely perfect
and ...
A Swan Planter in Our Entryway
Good morning! I hope your weekend is off to a nice start. I can’t believe
it’s finally March and spring is in sight! I love getting fresh tulips
from Tr...
Romanticize Your Home
Happy Valentine’s Day all! The sun just popped out after a week of storms
and it’s a beautiful day. It’s still so cold, and on winter days I like to
work f...
~happy monday~
Some random projects from a snowy weekend.
Not going to lie, it felt good to get the creative juices flowing - even if
the projects only consisted of ha...
*It's February 1st and I nearly forgot to post my birthday here ...... *
*probably forgot because I'm 74 😱 !!!*
*Thought a Waterlogue , arty photograph ...
And a Merry Christmas to All
Merry Christmas from me and my merry gang!
I’m letting go of the cookies that didn’t get baked, the projects that
didn’t get made, the cards that didn’...
Repurposed Glass Bell
As you know I love to repurpose items rather than send them to the land
When I recently replaced my kitchen pendant lights I turned the glass
Day Dates 6/21/24
Married June 21st 2013.
Here we are 11 years later...3 kids, 3 dogs, 3 states, 7 houses, 5 gyms and
a partridge in a pear tree later.
Just taking a da...
The RSS feed URL you're currently using https://follow.it/cotedetexas will
stop working shortly. Please add /rss at the and of the URL, so that the
URL w...
My Favourite Holiday Ever
A couple of months ago I realised it had been a long time since I had
blogged, and to be honest I felt like I had probably blogged for the last
time. Ov...
Step Two Garden Planter
I'm so excited to share with you this amazing planter from Step2...
Step2 makes fantastic products for kids - you know the playhouses, slides,
Latest vintage furniture from Lilyfield Life
Hope you are all enjoying a relaxing weekend, I have been doing some
organising in my studio as well as have had a lot of customers here buying
pieces wh...
Roses are red!
Roses are red…and pink and purple and orange and green! Yum
😋 Instagram#chocolate #cadbury #thankyouverymuchloloandda #rosesBest
wishes, Natasha In Oz Pl...
Fakta Menarik Tinggal Pada Rumah Di Cibubur
Jika anda sedang melakukan pencarian rumah yang cocok untuk tinggal di
daerah DKI Jakarta maka hal yang demikian bukanlah perkara yang sulit.
Meskipun di...
Efek IG Terbaru 2022 Buat Foto Paling Viral
Story sebagai salah satunya feature yang ditawari oleh Instagram untuk
beberapa pemakai.Feature yang selanjutnya banyak dikenali dengan istilah IG
story in...
our previous home - the guest room
I can't be the only one who feels that the past year has simultaneously
crawled by and passed in a blur? It feels like I finished this room ages
ago, an...
Friday favorites & some exciting news!
*Hello and happy Friday my friends!*
*I have some very exciting news to share with you all, so be sure to read
this post in it's entirety. *
*I am going...
Kitchen Talk
Pretty things in the kitchen
I'm obsessed with Kitchen stuff.
I go to sleep at night dreaming about
how I want to redo my kitchen.
I moved into my hous...
Up-cycle an old File box into a writers box
*Up-cycle an old File box into a writers box. Perfect project for the
Paper Addict.*
You've seen these before
First I cleared out all th...
With a contemporary palette of black and Rift Sawn white oak, marbled
quartz and gold detailing combined with more traditional Shaker styling and
glazed di...
I'm popping in--as they say on Instagram Stories-to give you a
quick synopsis of the month. I don't have much time so you won't have to
read the norm...
Christmas at our Place
Hello All!
We hope you're having a wonderful holiday season.
Ours is extra special this year, as we have recently welcomed our first
grandchild into our...
Georgian Kitchens: Get The Look
We all know that if we actually lived in the olden days, in glorious
Georgian England, it most certainly would not have been constant fragrant
roses in ou...
:: Finally Fall
Hello Friends, How is everyone enjoying the changing of the seasons?
Here in N.C. fall has finally arrived with it's cool temps & amazing blue
skies. ...
20 x 20 inch, oil
My favorite summer activity is working in my gardens. Grooming, watering,
weeding, feeding, and finally PICKING! Now, i...
Hi friends! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I post a
little more often over on instagram so if you want to see what I'm up to
from time...
Moodboard Monday - Affordable, Neutral Rugs
I am definitely not against a beautiful statement rug, but in my own home
I tend to gravitate towards more neutral rugs so I can change things up
through ...
I'm Back!
I missed blogging! I have been involved in many projects, in many
directions But, I have missed posting and reading your posts~ Additionally
and thankfu...
"Just Not A Good Day Unless It Is A Creative One"
Burlap luxe Home And Art
Burlap Luxe
"Just Not A Good Day Unless It Is A Creative One"
My latest created design,
botanic gar...
[Arredare piccoli spazi] Industriale e nordico
Non c'è nulla da fare, quando si tratta di arredare piccole case lo stile
nordico, minimale e luminoso ha decisamente una marcia in più.
Come questo...
Chinoiserie blue and white cushions
It’s been a really long time between posts. I do apologise.
I’m afraid I use Instagram more as an update for what’s been happening with
Sprout ...
*French Larkspur Group Tour:*
Vintage shopping plus a guided tour
of some of the most beautiful villages in the world
*Provence, France*
Hosted by...
Apologies for my long absence... I hope there are still some of you out
there reading this! I've realised that blogging regularly requires quite a
bit o...
Another Over-Size Bird Free Printable
A few days ago I received an email from a reader. She was after a
large-scale bird printable to partner the Heron I currently offer… I do
already provide...
Miranda Lambert's Tennessee home
Miranda Lambert's house sits an hour south of Nashville on 400 acres of
farmland. Pictures show rolling hills, rustic living spaces and an enormous horse
Photo via Witchery
I recently had the honour of speaking at the Witchery White Shirt Campaign
Launch at the Roslyn Packer Theatre.
The campaign is a f...
Published, Spring 2017 Where Women Create
Well finally!
It's high time that I shared my contribution to
the Spring 2017 issue
of Where Women Create Magazine...
more specifically, the feature st...
white cottage kitchen - before and after
Wow. This has been quite the project.
This is the third (and not the last) time I've painted cabinets and updated
a kitchen.
Here's the background:
When w...
Hello lovlies!
Just dropping in to show off our new showroom! We moved into our East
Brisbane showroom about six months ago and are absolutely...
Happy Spring
Happy Spring everyone! I’ve been so busy lately with our small shop space
in Canton, Texas that I haven’t been able to do a Spring home tour this
Spring Greetings
Greetings dear friends! Thank you for all of your wonderful notes over the
past several months, and please accept my sincere apologizes for not
Happy Spring...what I'm up to...
[image: Chipping with Charm:Spring Repurposed Blocks,
Hello friends, long time to see. Life has been busy.
So happy...
Spreading Her Wings...
Formal 2016
'And then she was gone. With hardly a backward glance and a spring in her
ciao for now...
just Martha xx
You might al...
A way overdue notice about my new website!
Well this is embarrassing! I probably should have mentioned this sooner
(and it would explain the terrible lack of posting here) but my blog has a
new hom...
Christmas Past
*Good morning everyone! I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I'm
going to get back*
*in the swing of things again, and start blogging. I really hav...
Free Agency
Dear Life,
When you think of free agency, what comes to mind?
As a Latter Day Saint, we have been taught this principle:
*Agency, or the ability to choos...
*Our local calendars by Emay Images are back in stock :-)*
*These calendars are so popular at Christmas time as they make the perfect
gift. They are easy t...
Lovely Spring Has Arrived.
I've already posted a couple of these photos on Instagram, but thought you
might like to see a few more from this Spring blossom session....
A couple of r...
Halloween Flash Back!
With Halloween right around the corner we thought it would be fun to flash
back to some of our favorite Halloween crafts we've done. Above is my all
Our amazing artist client
The images shown are of an art room we created for an amazing client.
"Everything about this room makes me smile and inspires me" , a direct
quote from ...
Creating patterns
I love the idea of creating new patterns for fabric or wallpaper (a fabric
collection - what a dream!).
Here are two I created recently using the inspirat...
Relics of Witney are moving in April
Have you heard our exciting news? Yes, it's all change round here at
Relics of Witney....
*We're moving!!*
Here's what our new building looked like when...
The Rhythm Of Our Days: Freo Fridays
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved Fridays - the closing of
a week, a simple low key dinner, the anticipation of everyone in our
I am back, briefly
I am back, briefly Hello, dear readers.
It has taken me about 45 minutes to log back into blogger. After such a
long hiatus Google freaked out and sent m...
Photography Challenges Week 1
So here is a round up of this weeks photo's from my photography challenges.
All of my photos this week are taken on my iPhone as I am still working on
Christmas decorating with Balsam Hills
Don't you just love Christmas with all the beautiful lights and decor that
we now have available here in Australia.
I always love decorating the house fo...
Faith, Community and the Family
Have you heard of the African adage, "It takes a village to raise a child?"
*It takes a village* is a proverb that leverages the cultural conte...
My last post has been up for 19 months & today, on a beautiful warm, sunny
Spring day in the Adelaide Hills, it's finally being replaced. This past
year ha...
October wish list
With the house progress gaining momentum after being *so *slow for a few
years, I've found myself in a decorating hiatus.
Unpacking previously bought treas...
It is not very often that I come across a home that I wouldn't change
something about it. Even if it is just something like the paint colour. But
this h...
Platypus Rabbit Trap
Here is a picture and a close up of a hard to find Platypus rabbit trap
from the 1930's.
If you ever have anything you want to ask about anything you see o...
Catching Up - Part 2
Two days after we sold our home (see Catching Up - Part 1) the husband and
my mother and myself flew down to Nova Scotia to celebrate our daughter's
Modif Motor Balap Blade
*Modif Motor Balap Blade*. Bersamaan peralihan musim dan berkembangnya
informasi ternyata sudah berimbas juga terhadap progres dunia modif
kendaraan berm...
My Dining Room
Well hi there its been a while. Not much has changed in my dining room but
I am loving my clock over my mantle :). Don't look to close at my
To Shower or Not To Shower
To shower or not to shower, that is the question! I know, what a stupid
& silly question that is...of course the only sane answer is to shower. Or
is i...
The Beach House Kitchen Reveal
And so the kitchen came about...
And I love it more than Christmas.
It's become the total centre of our home.
Every part of it makes me smile.
What We Accomplished #74
Want to be a pin-up girl? Join the party, and if you are featured, I'll
pin your project to my Green Willow Pond Features Board!
Thank you to all who se...
New York, New York
I was just cleaning and my thoughts drifted to 16 years ago when I was
fresh out of college and excitedly headed to new city, a new career, and a
new home ...
Thank you
Yep, it's been a while since January. I've been thinking about this blog a
lot and I think it's a natural time to leave it be for a while. Life has...
Flight of the Hummingbird
I've been busy. I know, we've all been busy.
However, last August, after putting all fears and doubts aside, I finally
opened my own shop. It's called Humm...
Hello, oh my goodness, what a bad blogger I have been. This is a bit of a
test post to see if things are still working. You never know, I might drop
back s...
Perfect Girls Room Design and Decor Ideas
Creating the perfect teenage girls room design for your daughter's room
starts with an understanding of what your child likes. Millions of moms
have aimles...
Flokati rug is in the mid-mod house
I've been suffering writer's block and Jason hung up his tool belt
semi-permanently over the holidays. We'd never make it in those reality TV
renovating s...
The story - selling and moving house - part one
Most would probably start a story from the beginning but I must say I do
like the ones that start in the middle or at the end and then flash back
and that ...
Monkey mahem
There is something fascinating about a circus even now but 50 years ago
they were mysterious, exciting, smelly, colourful and totally irresistible
to a yo...
Renovating Again
Well just when you think your renovating is done your son by a renovator's
He has no experience and never showed any interes...
My home ready for Christmas
Welcome to my home.
It's been a while! There are a number of reasons for my absence including
an accident in the famiy, several projects on the go at the...
I'm having a CYBER MONDAY SALE over at my Etsy
shop. Be sure to stop in and enter the coupon
code above for 30% off your entire purchase (not
including ...
Vintage Pyrex - Vintage Facts
#1 Vintage Facts I think everyone has a memory of a Pyrex item in a
childhood kitchen, you would have seen them around on mums or aunties
kitchen counter i...
What Inspires Me
I am constantly inspired everyday by colour and beautiful images.
I try to impart what I love into my shop with music as a part of the whole
I ...
Hi there ; sorry its been so long.....
These chairs in our own dining room will soon be available in store....
More goodies....
Our new linen cushion range.
Bottles galore in store now....se...
Well, well, it's been a while since I've blogged
I can't believe it's fall...sob, sob
Where DID the summer go?
I certainly hope yours was a splendid one!
Well it's been a long time between posts. Spring is finally here and I am
always motivated to
spruce things up a bit after winter.
I love Hydrangeas but ...
Cupcake Cones... Summer Styling..
Howdy, Loves!
Hope everyone is staying cool, and enjoying the sunnier days this summer!
It's been very hot and humid, but TODAY, with no weather expectatio...
Update from out of the blue
Hi everyone,
A while back I transferred this blog over to my new website which is a
Wordpress site. Here's the link.
I'm just in the process of finding o...
In Homes and Gardens Magazine
Was excited to find that the new Homes And Gardens Magazine has included
three of my feature stories. For all of us obsessed with interiors and
design ts ...
~handmade beachy summer pillows~
hello friends,
Well the little warm spell we had up north this past week sure put me in
the mood for summer!!
Today is cool and wet, but at least we know...
Chic in Pink & Gold
This has to be my idea of the perfect apartment ~
it's everything I love wrapped up in one.
Chic in pink and gold.
Feminine, beautifully styled, g...
Green Barn Antiques
It's still winter here in Southern Ontario.
Cold, snowy but thankfully very sunny.
We are having quite a winter. So much snow we are running out
of places ...
Goodbye My First Little Place
When I started to write this post I was thinking I'm saying goodbye to My
First Little Place
with a heavy heart ... but I'm not, really.
I'm not the mos...
Overdue Update
So here is an update of some of the projects I completed in the second half
of 2013 that didn't make it to the pages of this blog..... until now.
Crochet Rope Stitch Throw
After receiving my digital copy of Simply Crochet in November I decided to
hook up a throw for my mother in law for Christmas. I didn't give myself a ...
Surface Patterns
Just a few surface patterns that I created from some hand painted little
flowers and butterflies I did last year. Artwork copyright protected and
Samsung unveils Galaxy Grand 2
It has said that it will be priced under Rs 25,000; media reports suggest
that it will cost between Rs 19,000 and 21,000. It will hit the markets in
Happy Holidays!
Darlings I am popping in to wish you all a Happy Holiday!
I am writing this post from Sydney. We are back in Australia for a bit of a
tropical treat. It i...
Season's Greetings!
We can hardly believe it is that time of year already, but it seems it is!
Christmas is only a few days away!
Before it arrives, however, we would like t...
welcome to the new blog and a special giveaway
Welcome to my new blog!!
I so hope you like it!
The layout is a little lighter and fresher looking; the archives are easier
to negotiate; there are sha...
EDITORIAL: Tian Yi in Vogue China, December 2013
*Model: *Tian Yi (Fusion)
*Editorial: *The Grand Masters
*Magazine: *Vogue China, December 2013
*Photographer: *Mario Testino
*Stylist: *Unknown
*Hair: *Un...
Owl Cake.
My Daughter had her 12th Birthday way back in August, and she wanted an owl
inspired cake, as owls seem to all the rage with her at the moment. I set
Tarragindi Lampshades
Recently custom-made lampshades for Steve and Caroline's lovely home in
Tarragindi, Brisbane.
How elegant are the French Doors? The lampshade on the vinta...
Class Celebration Hallow's eve Games
In case you talk to children exactly what their best excursion can be, the
most effective likely solution via a lot of kids will likely be The holiday
The Start of Something New ...
Hello friends! I hope this post finds you all well and happy!
Well it has been what seems like forever since I last visited Blogger. For
many reasons, I ...
Exciting white verandah news
Hello lovelies..
It has indeed been awhile..
Things have been busy around here..
But here are some of the things we have been up to..
Endlessly making th...
*The ever Fabulous Creative Designer "CAM" from Creatively Active Minds is
now on Facebook...I know....exciting times! Pop on over it's a heart
twinkle twinkle little nightstand (a makeover)
Happy Wednesday! I have a little some old and a little something new (and a
little something twinkly) for you. The little something old: A wooden box
that ...
Never Fails
Oh what a gorgeous slice of cool this Sydney pad is. The perfect amount of
original mixed with a clean skin of fresh white paint. Never fails.
Front of house
Our little (or not so little renovation as we have found) hit the five year
mark in April this year and alas we are still going - might need to rename
my b...
A whole year has gone by.....
Hello Friends!!
It has been so long!!!
I am trying to get all my eggs in one baskets when it comes to blog,
website and Facebook.
For those that like to f...
Bali goodness.
I know alot of people think facebook is not a good thing, but I have to
admit to really quite liking it. I can contact my clients through it, send
My blog has moved.......
I have moved ....... My blog is still Hope Island Home Living but has a new
URL www.hopeislandhomeliving.blogspot.com.au This will be my last post on
this ...
Tea anyone?
Thought I'd share with you another reason I love Aldi.
A cute Tetley tea tin for only $4.99.
Love the message on it.
It came with teabags and now sits prou...
Important - New Blog Address
Hi there Shabbilicious friends
This message is going out to all my Google Friends Connect followers.
Since my move to WordPress 3 weeks ago, my blog up...
HOW cute are these?
long time no write.
I have been spending most of my time over at instagram but I had to pop
over here and show you these. If there is still anyone re...
Soul Studio Blog
*Wicker & Stitch has a NEW HOME over at Soul Studio *- it is a collection
of inspiration, photography and anecdotes, detailing life with my family,
my ...
hello again...
hello dear friends..
as with most of us... there is so much to keep up with that it is hard to
devote time to all of the options that surround us.
we h...
500 Cushion Covers Sold This Year
*Yes, that's right. I've sold 500 cushion covers so far this year. I don't
normally talk about such things, but I do think that's a pretty good number
Cow hide Settee
*While this little Antique Settee is Darling, I really wanted a *
*different look and wanted to create a unique piece.*
*Once I stripped it down, I pa...
I must confess, it's been very hard for me to blog.....
Right now, the mood does not strike me to write. When that spark comes
~well, hello there!~
*Hello hello!!!*
*Where in the world have I been?*
*via pinterest*
*some of you have been so sweet,*
*inquiring....... *
*checking in on me to make sur...
Map themed Jewelry from Make Jewellery Magazine
Designer Helen Cant from Make Jewellery Magazine has come up with more
lovely Jewelry projects using my images! This time the theme was maps and
she used s...
New Design Blog: Who'd Have Thought?
Hi all!
I know I haven't been around here much lately. I kind of got a little
camera shy once the house was finished and decorated and we moved in!
New Lighting in the Kitchen
Hello everyone so I have been working on The Nail Room everything is coming
along slowly but surely. In the mean time I have been wanting to change out
New Restaurant and New Project
I am just starting on several back to back client projects which takes up a
huge amount of my waking hours so I apologize for the sporadic blog
A NEW Year....A NEW Office & a NEW Project....
Happy NEW YEAR Vintage Friends FAR & WIDE....!
I hope everyone survived the silly season intact....Unfortunately, I didn't
get to participate in the Chris...
Atlanta Gift & Home Furnishings Market!
I'm so exited to let you know that mrs.darcy is off to the fabulous USA
showing this week at the Atlanta Gift and Home Furnishings Market! What an
Happy Holidays and a Bright & Cheery 2013
[image: Photobucket]
Hello All,
I hope you all had as relaxed a Christmas day as we did yesterday and
enjoyed time with family and friends. I am finally ...
What's Inside the Advent Boxes?
Last week, I shared the advent calendar I made out of a ladder.
The kids are enjoying opening a box each day.
As I mentioned, I didn't want to m...
merry + bright
Here's a compilation of my favorite holiday decorations for
Thanksgiving/Christmas this year because.... it's time for the holidays!
white pumpkins! it's...
Well it has been a long time between posts for me and an awful lot has
happened in that time.
As many of you are aware from my last post our trip to New Yo...
Redecorated Dressing Room
This tiny room sits off our small master bath in our century home. And yes,
I am thankful we have a master bath in a home that dates back to 1856! I
I've Moved To Wordpress
Ok, so I've moved to Wordpress and this is the last post you will ever see
on this dear old bloggy of mine. Blogger has been so good to me. I've been
It's a doll's life...
I was so super flattered that the fabulous parenting magazine Littlies
wanted to feature my dollshouse in its September issue (Littlies is my
absolute ...
The 'Fete' Of My Blog
Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter break!!
Thought I had better explain my absence of late. I have recently added
convening the 'handmade' stall at my d...
Aussie Visual Arts Unit of Work Freebie...
Hi everyone!
It seems that I have been MIA lately, more than I had realised. I am a
pretty private person and would like to remain so...but I will apolo...
The bunny is on the way.
Another month has gone by, where did that go, days just whizz by.
Easter is just around the corner, Great, Lots of chocolate, just what I
need! (That was s...
Herringbone Art- A Pinterest Project
Remember when I posted about my master bedroom redecorating project back in
Well, nothing has changed in there... until now. I still needed som...
Lots of pics, few words..... before - after the cracks were fixed the first
of two undercoats - the country green was a lot darker than I realised...
We ha...
Grammar: "it" as the sentence subject
When "It" as a subject represents a living being or a thing it's a notional
subject, when it performs a purely grammatical function it's a formal
Our Wedding Day....
Today we are off to the Hunter Valley to pick up the keys to our new place!
Im so excited and so I thought I would post some photos from our wedding
day ju...
PhD definition
PhD - simultaneously feeling as dumb and as smart as you have ever been.
Highly dependent on day of the week and level of understanding of reading
front fence
The front yard to do or not to do list. On top of the list is the front
1. Do we add a white picket fence or do we makeover the existing wire
Vacation Dreaming–Cape Cod Inspired Design
Based on the fact the we are going to spend our summer bleary-eyed and
figuring out how to care for a kid – we aren’t going to take a proper
summer vacat...
I just might be rubbing off on my 6 year old son...he came to me last
weekend and asked if we could eat our dinner outside on the back deck. So
after much ...
This is just so ridiculous, so silly, I can't stand it!!
This is our lovely fridge, nothing too exciting although I do like the
glass doors and it's only ...
Bye bye {for a little while}
Hi everyone!
Julie-Ann and I have decided to take a holiday from this bloggy. I am so
busy here and here and Julie-Ann is flat out with the Decorating Foru...
Easy Ways to Bring Spring into Your Home
1) Switch out heavy fabrics, blankets and pillows for light weight cotton
and linen.
2) Clip blooms from your garden and display them in your home, or sp...
My Bunch of Florals
As per usual I can't stop at just one of something. My latest flame? I love
vintage framed pictures of roses and flowers. ( Don't forget about my
floral T...
Beautiful Day
I've just come in from feeding all our farm animals, and it is absolutely
GORGEOUS outside! The sun shinning, the smell of fresh cut grass, our ducks
all ...
Do love those clocks, great photo. I have a few clocks around the house and always looking for more decorative ones. G