Friday, August 12, 2011

Maps & exciting news

I'm so very excited..last night Iwas scrolling down my side bar when I thought I saw ...'and the winner is' and a pic of my blog on Katrina Chambers blog  ...aarraggghhhhhhh..... so very blog makeover here we come..
Thank you so much to the gorgeous Katrina for being so wonderfully generous.

Katrina is an incredibly busy mum of 3 boys and has recently completed renovating on 'The Block'....the auction is next week..and of course..I am hoping Katrina and Amie win..Loving their reno the most...
So....whoop....whoop..... please stop by and visit Katrina

On another note I am really adoring the use of vintage maps at the moment.....

something about a touch of vintage and industrial....

how gorgeous is the wall colour and that table... sigh....

be still heart.....

in the mud room........

What do you think???

Have you used any maps in your decor ?


  1. I love vintage maps, my daughter and I just discovered a wonderful site for vintage maps and found some fabulous ones of the area we live in.
    They are available from The city of Sydney Map Collection
    Thank you for visiting my blog, lovely to meet you:)
    Wendy x

  2. Love the maps and yes I have one in my entrance in a frame I restored. Great images Kym. ;-)

  3. I am Map Mad atm, just love em!

    Congrats on Trina's comp, she did my site, I think she was great!!!

    wonder who will win the Block comp!!!

  4. Congratulations Kym, what an exciting win. I have two globes and love them. But I make tags and cards using old maps and atlas to sell at the local markets. Very popular for boys rooms too.Hope you enjoy your weekend.
    Rebecca x

  5. Congratulations on your win, love todays pictures. I haven't used maps yet. Enjoy your weekend.x

  6. Congrats on your win. I look forward to seeing what Katrina does with your blog, though it is very pretty as it is.
    I haven't used maps but do like the look. I have been lusting after a contemporary designed one by Famille Summerbelle.
    Have a lovely weekend :)

  7. Congrats on the win and so love that first image, the vintage maps look fantastic behind the sofa. I love Katrina and Amie's stlye on the Block too and just posted about it. Hope you have had a wonderful weekend. Gx

  8. Lucky you, I was hoping it would be me. I cant wait to see how your blog evolves. Congratulations.

  9. Congratulations
    Kind Regards

  10. Congratulations Kym, such exciting news for you. I too love maps and recently picked up a sixties desk with laminate map top....needs a makeover of course. Love your pics this post especially the first one. Can't wait to hear what happens to the "Block" girls on Sunday at auction.

  11. Hi! Oh my goodness, I have lots your email address! Sorry! can you email me again and we'll get this party started :0 xo

  12. Congratulations! Can't wait to see the new blog! I love maps but I'm yet to use one. Maybe in the study. Rachaelx


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